@ Los que vienen del "RED PIT" nos saludan (new) @ Those who come from "RED PIT" greet us (new)


International NEWS from the Pit Bulls World (Tennessee august 12, 2023)

En ESPAÑOL aquí: https://www.fiapbt.net/noticiaspitbull.html @ Ramiro Morales, the introducer of "The Blacks" in Mexico


– TENNESSEE (USA) ADBA EVENT – In Web Site here: https://www.fiapbt.net/pitbullnews.html  In Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=279091174759765&set=a.155145083821042


This past weekend of August 12, 2023, in Tennessee (USA), an extraordinary ADBA Event was held, organized by the Tennessee Valley Weight Pull Club and the Georgia APBT Association. Good job and Thank you!!!


Despite the fact that bad weather interrupted with a strong summer storm, it could not cope with the good fans, the camaraderie and the good vibes of the participants. The participation was spectacular, some impressive Pit Bulls, more and better, the cream of the cream as many people they say. A significant number of fans of the breed came from all corners of the USA and other countries, given the enormous expectation generated among the fans, as usually happens in this type of large Events. A large number of dogs were registered in competition, exceeding 100, all enjoying this great ADBA Event to the fullest.





The event on Saturday, August 12, was judged by the official ADBA Judge Mrs. Jacqueline Jones, where we can see her in the photograph delivering the blue FIRST PLACE award and the precious BEST IN SHOW  trophy to Willie Whack from Whack kennels, the owner and trainer of CH “BLACK COAL”, the brand new winner of that FIRST PLACE and winner of BEST IN SHOW.

Before CH "BLACK COAL" had achieved these wonderful trophies, he had previously already managed to win the BEST BLACK trophy of the Show. CONGRATULATIONS!!!




After these extraordinary wins of CH “BLACK COAL” this past weekend, He has done it again!!! A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!! If CH "BLACK COAL" continues with this firm step in his competition career, it is very likely that in a short time he will get his Grand Championship, "GR CH", leaving by writed in the book breed´s history, more of his spectacular adventures. Congratulations and Good Luck!!!




CH “BLACK COAL” FIAPBT Pedigree Online: http://www.fiapbtpedigree.com/imprimir_ficha.php?idm=en&criterio=327203 


From Alabama (USA), we observe the reaction that CH “BLACK COAL” has, when it first meets two young people who pass by it and wish to greet it;

VIDEO: https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/videos/586956812536175 Same Video in YouTube: https://youtu.be/wNnLecl04wA


CH “BLACK COAL” shows us its balanced character typical of its breed dog, despite the erroneous beliefs of some ignorant people, who believe 100% half truths that are worse than lies, which are shown on the news in a Sensationalist way, Liar, Interested, Cruel, with the intention of Manipulation, False news repeatedly come over and over again, to consciously harm the animals and its Responsible´s owners from the mass media government, Tv, Newspapers, Radio, Internet, etc.


CH “BLACK COAL” shows us how very well cared for and how very happy it is living under the Willie responsibility and his wonderful family. CH “BLACK COAL” is a very lucky Pit Bull Thank You!!!


@ ´Stop BSL!!! ´Stop DDA!!! ´Stop DISCRIMINATION!!! ´Punish the Deed NOT the Breed!!!

"Judge the DEED INDIVIDUALLY, by bad ATTITUDE or by the owner´s IRRESPONSIBILITY and DO NOT GENERALIZE, DISCRIMINATING and CRIMINALIZING BREED DOGS and MIXED Dogs by its physical APPEARANCE, in this way, to get to Justify applying an Unfair RECAUDATORY of public money Law subtly under the shadow of the term "Protection". An Animal "Protection" Law, whose SOLE objective is the public money COLLECTION, which in reality does NOT offer citizen nor Animal SECURITY, rather the opposite. All are INNOCENT until proven otherwise, Humans too. " (m.p) – Stop DISCRIMINATION!!!https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/photos/a.451449941132/10160660438886133 – https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/photos/a.451449941132/10160028135786133 – https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/photos/10159921039736133


“The IGNORANCE or lack of KNOWLEDGE, the normalization of the WRONG, the DISCRIMINATION, the BAD INTENTION and the lack of PERSONALITY, CRITERIA and of COMMON SENSE of the HUMAN BREED (low vibrations in short), is the most dangerous thing for this global society in which we are nowadays.” (m.p.)


From the FIAPBT & IADCRO, we add ADDITIONAL INFORMATION  about the breed for your information. We hope and we wish that you enjoy a lot with this information about the breed that we are offering with great pleasure. Thank you very much for your interest and trust,


Mariano Peinado




ADDITIONAL INFORMATION of the breed: https://www.villaliberty.org/information.html




@ W. D. SMITH, the great unknown of the American Pit Bull Terrier, His deserved TRIBUTE https://www.fiapbt.net/tributesmith.html - https://www.fiapbt.net/historiadibo.html


@ Tracing the traces of Tudor's "DIBO" in the 90s, together with the master dogmam Mr. Dwight Stubbs, known as "The Old Man of the Valley". That Valley refers to the "Valley of the Sun", is the other name by which Phoenix is known in Arizona, USA, the same place where Tudor's "DIBO" was born in the yard of Reverend Howard Heinzl, on March 21, 1951. * The CRADLE of TUDOR'S “DIBO”; Tracing his tracks: https://www.fiapbt.net/tributemrstubbs.htm - https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=259878060014410&set=a.155145083821042 Mr. Dwight Stubbs – The good and beautiful people FOREVER in our hearts (R.I.P.) Mr. Dwight Stubbs, one of the best Pit Bull breeders of all times, in today's memory.


@ The FRANK G. HENRY Dogs: https://www.fiapbt.net/henry..html

The authentic and genuine Pit Bull of Today, are the faithful reflection of the originals Pit Bull of Yesterday...  


@ Ramiro Morales, the introducer of "The Blacks" in Mexico. Remembering some extraordinary specimens from Mexico  https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=236296132372603&set=a.155145083821042 In Web Site: https://www.fiapbt.net/morales.html


@ The BLACKS” history: https://www.villaliberty.org/theblacks.html


@ The BLACKS Videohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dy6rbeenLIs&t=0s


@ Whence comes the BLACK color to the ELI / CARVER / BOUDREAUX dogs, being that they are all Tudor's "DIBO" family and "DIBO" was buckskin color? - THE HENRY DOGS: https://www.fiapbt.net/black.html - https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/photos/a.451449941132/10161031328231133


@ The report of the “OLD FAMILY RED NOSE” (OFRN), you can see it right after the report of ´BLOOD LINES? at the following link: https://www.fiapbt.net/ingles17.html


@ A great read; The WOMAN in Pit Bull History WOMEN in the development of the American Pit Bull Terrier breed dog (APBT or Pit Bull), during its history´s course, her deserved TRIBUTE: https://www.fiapbt.net/woman.html In Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/photos/a.451449941132/10160906824551133


@ GENETIC of the legend to called “Maurice Carver” and TRIBUTE: https://www.villaliberty.org/legend.html - https://www.fiapbt.net/museumcarver.html


@ The Maurice´s Smile https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/photos/a.451449941132/10161156206056133


@ The Pit Bull Beginnings in the CINEMA; By Mar Bartolomé  (FIAPBT & IADCRO) http://www.fiapbt.net/pitbullcine2.html - https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/photos/a.451449941132/10158212086141133/?type=3&theater


@ The Pit Bull ORIGINS: https://www.fiapbt.net/origins.html


@ The Pit Bull CHARACTER: https://www.fiapbt.net/character.html


@ The GENETICISTS Scientists speak Unmasking the SCAMMERS that degenerate the breed dogs: https://www.fiapbt.net/dna.html


@ ADBA DEPARTAMENT of DNA: https://www.fiapbt.net/dnapitbull.html


@ DEFENSE WORK with the American Pit Bull Terrier: https://www.fiapbt.net/defense.html


@ PROGNATISM in the American Pit Bull Terrier, YES or NO? https://www.fiapbt.net/typesofbite.html


@ International NEWS from the Pit Bulls World: https://www.fiapbt.net/pitbullnews.html 



International NEWS from the Pit Bulls World (Alabama june 10 & 11, 2023)

En ESPAÑOL aquí: https://www.fiapbt.net/noticiaspitbull.html @ Ramiro Morales, the introducer of "The Blacks" in Mexico


ADBA CHAMPIONSHIP in Alabama (USA) ADBA Show June 10 & 11, 2023.

https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/photos/a.451449941132/10161186127421133 https://www.facebook.com/groups/heartofdixieapbt


"BLACK COAL" has get his Championship (CH) in Alabama, by obtaining the necessary points in his first participation in the ADBA event. Congratulations champion!!! And we congratulations to his owner and trainer, Willie Lester Whack of Whack Kennels


Whack Kennels in YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@whackkennels




@ CH “BLACK COAL” FIAPBT Pedigree Online: https://www.fiapbtpedigree.com/imprimir_ficha.php?idm=en&criterio=327203 

CH “BLACK COAL” VIDEO: https://youtu.be/o13g7EnvKlY




CH "BLACK COAL" is on the podium with the third position of the ADBA Ranking among the best American Pit Bull Terriers of the moment: https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/posts/pfbid026ud9ahYu3QBnLNctg3h7C5G81sVp9FyQA51CphDaa7ycYVZTB9tT2r3hop9p1vVYl


From the FIAPBT & IADCRO, we add ADDITIONAL INFORMATION about the breed for your information. We hope and we wish that you enjoy a lot with this information about the breed that we are offering with great pleasure. Thank you very much for your interest and trust,


Mariano Peinado




ADDITIONAL INFORMATION of the breed: https://www.villaliberty.org/information.html


@ W.D. SMITH, the great unknown of the American Pit Bull Terrier, His deserved TRIBUTE https://www.fiapbt.net/tributesmith.html - https://www.fiapbt.net/historiadibo.html


@ The CRADLE of TUDOR'S “DIBO”; Tracing his tracks: https://www.fiapbt.net/tributemrstubbs.htm


@ A great read; The WOMAN in Pit Bull History WOMEN in the development of the American Pit Bull Terrier breed dog (APBT or Pit Bull), during its history´s course, her deserved TRIBUTE: https://www.fiapbt.net/woman.html In Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/photos/a.451449941132/10160906824551133


@ The FRANK G. HENRY Dogs: https://www.fiapbt.net/henry..html

The authentic and genuine Pit Bull of Today, are the faithful reflection of the originals Pit Bull of Yesterday...  


@ THE BLACKS history: https://www.villaliberty.org/theblacks.html


@ The BLACKS VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dy6rbeenLIs&t=0s


@ Ramiro Morales, the introducer of "The Blacks" in Mexico. Remembering some extraordinary specimens from Mexico  https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=236296132372603&set=a.155145083821042 In Web Site: https://www.fiapbt.net/morales.html


@ Whence comes the BLACK color to the ELI / CARVER / BOUDREAUX dogs, being that they are all Tudor's "DIBO" family and "DIBO" was buckskin color? - THE HENRY DOGS: https://www.fiapbt.net/black.html - https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/photos/a.451449941132/10161031328231133


@ GENETIC of the legend to called “Maurice Carver” and TRIBUTE: https://www.villaliberty.org/legend.html


@ The Maurice´s Smile https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/photos/a.451449941132/10161156206056133


@ The Pit Bull ORIGINS: https://www.fiapbt.net/origins.html


@ The Pit Bull CHARACTER: https://www.fiapbt.net/character.html


@ The GENETICISTS Scientists speak Unmasking the SCAMMERS that degenerate the breed dogs: https://www.fiapbt.net/dna.html


@ ADBA DEPARTAMENT of DNA: https://www.fiapbt.net/dnapitbull.html


@ DEFENSE WORK with the American Pit Bull Terrier: https://www.fiapbt.net/defense.html


@ PROGNATISM in the American Pit Bull Terrier, YES or NO? https://www.fiapbt.net/typesofbite.html


@ International NEWS from the Pit Bulls World: https://www.fiapbt.net/pitbullnews.html 




International NEWS from the Pit Bulls World (Mississippi february 25 & 26, 2023)

En ESPAÑOL aquí: https://www.fiapbt.net/noticiaspitbull.html @ Ramiro Morales, the introducer of "The Blacks" in Mexico (new)


ADBA CHAMPIONSHIP in Mississippi (USA) First ADBA Show in 2023 season.


The last weekend, on February 25 and 26, in Mississippi (USA), two extraordinary ADBA Conformation Championships were held, one organized by The Heart of Dixie APBTC Club and the other by the Deep South Bull & Terrier Association ´Good job and Thanks!!!


These great Official events have opened the 2023 Championship season With the breed dog American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT or Pit Bull) The event on Saturday was judged by the official ADBA Judge Mr. Sam Villines and the event on Sunday was judged by Judge Mr. Havana Chico. A important number of fans of the breed gathered from all corners of the USA and other countries, given the enormous expectation generated among the fans when those Championships were held in such a row. This has led to the registration of a large number of dogs in competition, exceeding 100, all enjoying these Championships in a single weekend. The good fans and camaraderie emerged, the good vibes were felt, where, in addition, the weather was pleasant and sunny, favorably accompanying such attractive events. The participation was spectacular, some impressive Pit Bulls, the cream of the cream…


After the last BLACK COAL´s victories, now in this weekend it have done it again, getting the first position in their class, but it have done it, In both championships!!! And, in addition, he has also achieved the BEST IN SHOW!!! A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!!





If BLACK COAL continues with this firm step in its competition journey, it is very likely that in this year 2023, it will be its year, the year in which it get its "CH" Championship, entering in this way in the breed history itself. Congratulations and Good Luck!!!


333067966_912977923081882_2829134004467699803_n - copia


BLACK COAL FIAPBT Pedigree Online: http://www.fiapbtpedigree.com/imprimir_ficha.php?idm=en&criterio=327203 


328700566_758442285451170_6850840724941053250_n - copia 331446751_1403149590430822_9126999974849688939_n - copia


Willie, the owner of BLACK COAL, also took his 5-month-old female puppy named BLACK CARBON to participate in these great Mississippi events. It was BLACK CARBON's first time experiencing competition, but she was not intimidated at all. She liked the hustle and bustle and seeing herself surrounded by so much dog and human, she came up like a champion and managed to win second place on the podium and she did it, In both championships!!! BLACK CARBON is a firm promise following in the footsteps of BLACK COAL, her older brother, and hand in hand with her daddy, Willie. Congratulations and Good Luck little one!!!


333199419_502760065393045_2747045119663803964_n - copia


BLACK CARBON FIAPBT Pedigree Online: http://www.fiapbtpedigree.com/imprimir_ficha.php?idm=en&criterio=327228  


From Alabama (USA), we observe the reaction that BLACK COAL has, when it first meets two young people who pass by it and wish to greet it; VIDEO: https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/videos/586956812536175 Same Video in YouTube: https://youtu.be/wNnLecl04wA


BLACK COAL shows us its balanced character typical of its breed dog, despite the erroneous beliefs of some ignorant people, who believe 100% half truths that are worse than lies, which are shown on the news in a Sensationalist way, Liar, Interested, Cruel, with the intention of Manipulation, False news repeatedly come over and over again, to consciously harm the animals and its Responsible´s owners from the mass media government, Tv, Newspapers, Radio, Internet, etc.


BLACK COAL shows us how very well cared for and how very happy it is living under the Willie responsibility and his wonderful family. BLACK COAL is a very lucky Pit Bull Thank You!!!


@ ´Stop BSL!!! ´Stop DDA!!! ´Stop DISCRIMINATION!!! ´Punish the deed NOT the Breed!!!

"Judge the FACT INDIVIDUALLY, by bad ATTITUDE or by the owner´s IRRESPONSIBILITY and DO NOT GENERALIZE, CRIMINALIZING BREED DOGS and MIXED dogs by its physical APPEARANCE, in this way, to get to Justify applying an Unfair RECAUDATORY of public money Law subtly under the shadow of the term" Protection ". An Animal "Protection" Law whose SOLE objective is the money COLLECTION, which in reality does NOT offer citizen nor Animal SECURITY, rather the opposite. All are INNOCENT until proven otherwise, Humans too. " (m.p) – Stop DISCRIMINATION!!!https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/photos/a.451449941132/10160660438886133 – https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/photos/a.451449941132/10160028135786133 – https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/photos/10159921039736133


“The IGNORANCE or lack of KNOWLEDGE, the normalization of the WRONG, the DISCRIMINATION, the BAD INTENTION and the lack of PERSONALITY, CRITERIA and of COMMON SENSE of the HUMAN BREED (low vibrations in short), is the most dangerous thing for this global society in which we are nowadays.” (m.p.)


- “THE BLACKS”: https://www.villaliberty.org/theblacks.html



https://www.fiapbt.net/mcowboyxbsunday.htm - https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/photos/a.451449941132/10159215835721133 


- Whence comes the BLACK color to the ELI / CARVER / BOUDREAUX dogs, being that they are all Tudor's "DIBO" family and "DIBO" was buckskin color? - THE HENRY DOGS: https://www.fiapbt.net/black.html - https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/photos/a.451449941132/10161031328231133


Since the FIAPBT we hope and we wish that you enjoy so much with all this historical breed information. Thank you very much for your interest and your trust,


Mariano Peinado


ADDITIONAL BREED INFORMATION: https://www.villaliberty.org/information.html


@ PROGNATISM in the American Pit Bull Terrier, YES or NO? https://www.fiapbt.net/typesofbite.html


@ A great read; The WOMAN in Pit Bull History WOMEN in the development of the American Pit Bull Terrier breed dog (APBT or Pit Bull), during its history´s course, her deserved TRIBUTE: https://www.fiapbt.net/woman.html In Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/photos/a.451449941132/10160906824551133


@ DEFENSE WORK with the American Pit Bull Terrier: https://www.fiapbt.net/defense.html


International NEWS from the Pit Bulls World (Florida november 27, 2022)

En ESPAÑOL aquí: https://www.fiapbt.net/noticiaspitbull.html


ADBA CHAMPIONSHIP in Florida (USA) https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/posts/pfbid04Suz8XTCnTDLeBVXbeiSz4Mdf43An2nC4N832NvcbUDofcFvaqRjSBPxHjdkYWEol




The last major Official event of the American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT or Pit Bull) breed dog of the year 2022, was held on Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 November in Chipley, Florida (USA), which was organized by the official clubs ADBA Georgia APBTC and the Mid Florida APBTA. After a rain-disturbed Saturday, the following day, the fans were rewarded with an extraordinary sunny autumn Sunday. A large number of fans and dogs in competition gathered to enjoy an unforgettable weekend. The participation was spectacular, some impressive Pit Bulls, the cream of the cream of the breed as they say...


CONGRATULATIONS “BLACK COAL”, for getting the extraordinary second place on the podium in the two championships held this weekend in Florida. “BLACK COAL” continues with a firm step in its journey until he achieves its "CH" Championship. Congratulations and good luck!!!


- FIAPBT Pedigree Online de “BLACK COAL”: http://www.fiapbtpedigree.com/imprimir_ficha.php?idm=en&criterio=327203


- “BLACK COAL” in VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wGFDU6_g8w


There were several fans who did not agree with the decision of the judges, since they thought that “BLACK COAL” should have climbed to the top of the podium in both Competitions, but that is the same, Sportsmanship and Dignity is the highest award that anyone could have and this precious award, Willie, the owner and trainer of “BLACK COAL” already has it more than achieved


In the Best Black category, “BLACK COAL” made its position very clear, obtaining first place, CONGRATULATIONS!!!




It should be noted that the 8-month-old puppy called “WHITE HEAD”, also owned by Willie, after getting sick during the long trip to the Florida Show, was finally able to compete and, even so, she got third place in the Podium, a firm promise. Congratulations!!!


- FIAPBT Pedigree Online de “WHITE HEAD”: http://www.fiapbtpedigree.com/imprimir_ficha.php?idm=en&criterio=327219 


-- WHITE HEAD en Alabama.


For these precious and great moments that you give to the fans Willie, CONGRATULATIONS and THANK YOU!!!


- “THE BLACKS”: http://www.villaliberty.org/theblacks.html



https://www.fiapbt.net/mcowboyxbsunday.htm - https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/photos/a.451449941132/10159215835721133 


- Whence comes the black color to the ELI / CARVER / BOUDREAUX dogs, being that they are all Tudor's "DIBO" family and "DIBO" was buckskin color? - THE HENRY DOGS: www.fiapbt.net/black.html


- GENETIC OF THE LEGEND TO CALLED“ MAURICE CARVER” AND TRIBUTE: http://www.villaliberty.org/legend.html - http://www.fiapbt.net/carver100years.html - http://www.fiapbt.net/carvertribute.htm - http://www.youtube.com/watch?hl=es&gl=ES&v=M4DnGJAMZDw 


´Punish the deed NOT the Breed!!!

"Judge the FACT INDIVIDUALLY, by bad ATTITUDE or by the owner´s IRRESPONSIBILITY and DO NOT CRIMINALIZE BREEDS DOG or MONGREL DOGS by its physical APPEARANCE, to justify applying an Unfair COLLECTION Law subtly under the shadow of the term" Protection ". An Animal "Protection" Law whose SOLE objective is the money COLLECTION, which in reality does NOT offer citizen nor Animal SECURITY, rather the opposite. All are INNOCENT until proven otherwise, Humans too. " (m.p) -- Stop DISCRIMINATION!!! -- https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/photos/10159921039736133


Since the FIAPBT we hope and we wish that you enjoy so much with all this historical breed information. Thank you very much for your interest and your trust,


Mariano Peinado

https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT - http://www.fiapbt.net - http://www.IADCRO.com


International NEWS from the Pit Bulls World (Georgia may 28, 2022)

En ESPAÑOL aquí: https://www.fiapbt.net/noticiaspitbull.html Video en Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/videos/336711331796955


The last weekend of may 28, in Georgia (USA), two extraordinary American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT or Pit Bull) Championships were held, organized by the AADRI Club Georgia. The first was in the morning and judged by Mr. Jimmy Whited and the second was in the evening, judged by Mrs. Kristen Bohler. ´Good job and Thanks!!!


In these two great Official events of the year 2022 of the breed dog American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT or Pit Bull), a large number of fans of the breed gathered from all corners of the USA and other countries, given the enormous expectation generated among the fans when two Championships were held in such a row. This has led to the registration of a large number of dogs in competition, all enjoying these two Championships in a single weekend. The good fans and camaraderie emerged, the good vibes were felt, where, in addition, the weather was pleasant, favorably accompanying such attractive events. The participation was spectacular, some impressive Pit Bulls, the cream of the cream…


Same Video in YouTube: https://youtu.be/cgdlcdI5QP0





SAMBA” and “BLACK COAL”, after its triumphs in Florida, Mississippi and New Jersey, now in this past weekend in Georgia, Has done it again both! getting the first positions in its respective categories, from 18 to 24 months for “SAMBA” and from 12 to 18 months for “BLACK COAL”. In addition, “SAMBA” has managed to win the BEST IN SHOW and “BLACK COAL” has managed to win the category of the Best BLACK category. FANTASTIC!!!




“SAMBA” FIAPBT Pedigree Online: http://www.fiapbtpedigree.com/imprimir_ficha.php?idm=en&criterio=327189


“BLACK COAL” FIAPBT Pedigree Online: http://www.fiapbtpedigree.com/imprimir_ficha.php?idm=en&criterio=327203 




"SAMBA" and "BLACK COAL" continue to achieve numerous successes on the American competition circuit, providing entertainment, protection and HAPPINESS to its family, to its close environment and the fans of the breed itself. It should be noted that both "SAMBA" and "BLACK COAL" are the only two American Pit Bull Terriers that are participating in the American competition circuit representing Spain, both of Colmenar Viejo, its origin place, in Madrid.


Congratulations champs!!! We are very proud of both of you and very grateful to your American family, which want you, cares for you and Loves you with all their THANK YOU!!!


From Alabama (USA), we observe the reaction that the American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT or Pit Bull) called “BLACK COAL” has, when it first meets two young people who pass by it and wish to greet it; VIDEO: https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/videos/586956812536175 Mismo Vídeo en YouTube: https://youtu.be/wNnLecl04wA


“BLACK COAL” shows us its balanced character typical of its breed dog, despite the erroneous beliefs of some ignorant people, who believe 100% half truths that are worse than lies, which are shown on the news in a Sensationalist way, Liar, Interested, Cruel, with the intention of Manipulation, False news repeatedly come over and over again, to consciously harm the animals and its Responsible´s owners from the mass media government, Tv, Newspapers, Radio, Internet, etc.


“BLACK COAL” shows us how very well cared for and how very happy it is living under the Willie responsibility and his wonderful family. BLACK COAL is a very lucky Pit Bull. Thank You!!!


´Punish the deed NOT the Breed!!!

"Judge the FACT INDIVIDUALLY, by bad ATTITUDE or by the owner´s IRRESPONSIBILITY and DO NOT CRIMINALIZE BREEDS DOG or MONGREL DOGS by its physical APPEARANCE, to justify applying an Unfair COLLECTION Law subtly under the shadow of the term" Protection ". An Animal "Protection" Law whose SOLE objective is the money COLLECTION, which in reality does NOT offer citizen nor Animal SECURITY, rather the opposite. All are INNOCENT until proven otherwise, Humans too. " (m.p) -- Stop DISCRIMINATION!!! --


“SAMBA” FIAPBT Pedigree Online: http://www.fiapbtpedigree.com/imprimir_ficha.php?idm=en&criterio=327189




Curiously, a few weeks ago, Willie made a report offering his opinion about his two doggies, “SAMBA” and “BLACK COAL”, which can be seen at: https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/photos/a.451449941132/10159966038996133 and on the website: https://www.fiapbt.net/alchemy.html


“THE BLACKS”: https://www.villaliberty.org/theblacks.html



https://www.fiapbt.net/mcowboyxbsunday.htm - https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/photos/a.451449941132/10159215835721133 


- Whence comes the black color to the ELI / CARVER / BOUDREAUX dogs, being that they are all Tudor's "DIBO" family and "DIBO" was buckskin color? - THE HENRY DOGS: https://www.fiapbt.net/black.html 


“The IGNORANCE or lack of KNOWLEDGE, the normalization of the WRONG, the DISCRIMINATION, the BAD INTENTION and the lack of PERSONALITY, CRITERIA and of COMMON SENSE of the HUMAN BREED (low vibrations in short), is the most dangerous thing for this global society in which we are nowadays.” (m.p.)


Mariano Peinado


https://www.IADCRO.com - https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT - https://www.fiapbt.net


International NEWS from the Pit Bulls World (New Jersey april 30 and May 01, 2022)

En ESPAÑOL aquí: https://www.fiapbt.net/noticiaspitbull.html


The last weekend, on april 30 and may 01, 2022, in New Jersey (USA), a extraordinary ADBA Championship were held, organized by The Tri-State APBT Club, ´Good job and Thanks!!!




In this great Official event of the year 2022 of the American Pit Bull Terrier dog breed (APBT or Pit Bull), a large number of fans of the breed gathered from all corners of the USA, all enjoying this unforgettable weekend. The good fans and camaraderie emerged, the good vibes were felt, where, in addition, the weather was pleasant, accompanying favorably. The participation was spectacular, some impressive Pit Bulls, the cream of the cream…


279149088_675357283684831_2299055315898223991_n Some of the participants gathered before the competition, listening to the organization's recommendations.


BLACK COAL after its triumphs in Florida and Mississippi, now in this past weekend it has done it again, getting the first place in the Best Black category between more of 20 dogs; Getting the first place in the category of the Best Condition between 20 dogs; And getting the 2nd place in the Conformation category between 1 year and a year and a half of age. GREAT!!!


BLACK COAL continues with a firm step in its journey until he achieves its "CH" Championship. Congratulations and good luck!!!


279535209_567317411362596_7145100530813384786_n BLACK COAL NEW JERSEY 01-05-22 “Black Coal”


BLACK COAL FIAPBT Pedigree Online: http://www.fiapbtpedigree.com/imprimir_ficha.php?idm=en&criterio=327203 


279467215_5243691715698764_4899073144003018791_n Event Trophies


From Alabama (USA), we observe the reaction that the American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT or Pit Bull) called BLACK COAL has, when it first meets two young people who pass by it and wish to greet it; VIDEO: https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/videos/586956812536175 Mismo Vídeo en YouTube: https://youtu.be/wNnLecl04wA


BLACK COAL shows us its balanced character typical of its breed dog, despite the erroneous beliefs of some ignorant people, who believe 100% half truths that are worse than lies, which are shown on the news in a Sensationalist way, Liar, Interested, Cruel, with the intention of Manipulation, False news repeatedly come over and over again, to consciously harm the animals and its Responsible´s owners from the mass media government, Tv, Newspapers, Radio, Internet, etc.


BLACK COAL shows us how very well cared for and how very happy it is living under the Willie responsibility and his wonderful family. BLACK COAL is a very lucky Pit Bull. Thank You!!!




Curiously, a few weeks ago, Willie made a report offering his opinion about his two doggies, “SAMBA” and “BLACK COAL”, which can be seen at: https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/photos/a.451449941132/10159966038996133 and on the website: https://www.fiapbt.net/alchemy.html


´Punish the deed NOT the Breed!!!

"Judge the FACT INDIVIDUALLY, by bad ATTITUDE or by the owner´s IRRESPONSIBILITY and DO NOT CRIMINALIZE BREEDS DOG or MONGREL DOGS by its physical APPEARANCE, to justify applying an Unfair COLLECTION Law subtly under the shadow of the term" Protection ". An Animal "Protection" Law whose SOLE objective is the money COLLECTION, which in reality does NOT offer citizen nor Animal SECURITY, rather the opposite. All are INNOCENT until proven otherwise, Humans too. " (m.p) -- Stop DISCRIMINATION!!! --


“THE BLACKS”: https://www.villaliberty.org/theblacks.html



https://www.fiapbt.net/mcowboyxbsunday.html - https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/photos/a.451449941132/10159215835721133 


- Whence comes the black color to the ELI / CARVER / BOUDREAUX dogs, being that they are all Tudor's "DIBO" family and "DIBO" was buckskin color? - THE HENRY DOGS: https://www.fiapbt.net/black.html 


“The IGNORANCE or lack of KNOWLEDGE, the normalization of the WRONG, the DISCRIMINATION, the BAD INTENTION and the lack of PERSONALITY, CRITERIA and of COMMON SENSE of the HUMAN BREED (low vibrations in short), is the most dangerous thing for this global society in which we are nowadays.” (m.p.)


Mariano Peinado


https://www.IADCRO.com - https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT - https://www.fiapbt.net


International NEWS from the Pit Bulls World (Mississippi february 26 and 27, 2022)


En ESPAÑOL aquí: https://www.fiapbt.net/noticiaspitbull.html Video: https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/videos/624582241940717


The last weekend, on February 26 and 27, in Mississippi (USA), two extraordinary ADBA Championships were held, one organized by The Heart of Dixie APBTC Club and the other by the Deep South Bull & Terrier Association ´Good job and Thanks!!!


In these two great Official events of the year 2022 of the breed dog American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT or Pit Bull), a large number of fans of the breed gathered from all corners of the USA and other countries, given the enormous expectation generated among the fans when two Championships were held in such a row. This has led to the registration of a large number of dogs in competition, all enjoying these two Championships in a single weekend. The good fans and camaraderie emerged, the good vibes were felt, where, in addition, the weather was pleasant, favorably accompanying such attractive events. The participation was spectacular, some impressive Pit Bulls, the cream of the cream…


Same Video in YouTube: https://youtu.be/PEatXPW_wp4


image001 - copia



BLACK COAL FIAPBT Pedigree Online: http://www.fiapbtpedigree.com/imprimir_ficha.php?idm=en&criterio=327203 


BLACK COAL after its last triumph in Florida, now in this weekend he has done it again, getting the first position in its class of puppies up to 12 months of age and he has achieved it, ´In both championships!!! And, in addition, he has also achieved the Best In Show puppy.


BLACK COAL continues with a firm step in its journey until he achieves its "CH" Championship


Congratulations and good luck!!!




International NEWS from the Pit Bulls World (Florida november 27 and 28, 2021)


En ESPAÑOL aquí: https://www.fiapbt.net/noticiaspitbull.html - https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/photos/a.451449941132/10160150844056133


The last great Official event, of the breed dog American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT or Pit Bull) of the year 2021, was held on November 27 and 28 in Chipley, Florida (USA), which was organized by the official ADBA clubs, the Georgia APBTC and Mid Florida APBTA, where on an extraordinary sunny fall day, a large number of fans and dogs in competition gathered, to enjoy an unforgettable weekend. The participation was spectacular, some impressive Pit Bulls, the cream of the cream of the breed...




Willie Whack Jr. was the big winner of the Conformation (Standard Test) event, since “SAMBA”, in her 12 to 18 month class and “BLACK COAL”, in his 6 to 9 month class, his two Pit Bull participants, won in its respective classes getting both the 1st position, even "SAMBA", also won Judges choice female. In this competition she was the judges pick out of all the female dogs that participated.


Both “SAMBA” and “BLACK COAL” were its first time competing in an Official event of these characteristics and the result could not be better, Congratulations!!!


- FIAPBT Pedigree Online from “SAMBA”: http://www.fiapbtpedigree.com/imprimir_ficha.php?idm=en&criterio=327189


- FIAPBT Pedigree Online de “BLACK COAL”: http://www.fiapbtpedigree.com/imprimir_ficha.php?idm=en&criterio=327203


Curiously, a few weeks ago, Willie made a report offering his opinion about his two doggies, “SAMBA” and “BLACK COAL”, which can be seen at: https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/photos/a.451449941132/10159966038996133 and on the website: https://www.fiapbt.net/alchemy.html


´Congratulations and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!