TERRIER ORIGINS By Mariano Peinado.
What always it has been an absolute
priority for all the breeders of authentic American Pit Bull Terrier, since
this breed dog was originated 500 years ago, the selection went from A. P. B.
T. with good disposition toward the human being, eliminating radically
of the breeding to all those animals that showed the most minimum gesture of
aggressive without any reason to the people. Always the selection of
breeding of this breed dog to our days, has been
directed toward the equilibrium in all its senses.
Different theories
about the American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT) origins exist, of which the Mariano
Peinado (FIAPBT & IADCRO) theory, is one of the most based internationally
with higher weight.
The own Peinado says; “The absolute truth was lost at night of the times and
what here I expose, it is my humble deduced opinion of the investigations that
I began since 1985 about this subject”.
With the theory of the APBT origins, it happens of equal way that with
other breed dogs, and other animal species, where its origin is not known for
sure, but by the studies and investigations realised, yes can indicate to us
somehow approximate, as they could happen.
According to the Mariano Peinado theory, the landlord that gave rise to
the origin the American Pit Bull Terrier, was based on already extinct a
Spanish breed, the Spanish Alaunt. In the down place, you would find some notes of
interest reflected in some old books, referring to the Alaunt.
Spanish Alaunt
(Alano) in the middle of century XIX, moments before a bullfight of bulls in
Madrid. Painting of Manuel Castellanos in 1853.
This theory is directed
by two parallel ways but in different places:
1º- The first way
in which the American Pit Bull Terrier began to originate itself, was outlined
500 years ago, when the Spanish conquerors in the America colonization, bring
in their boats several dogs of the Spanish Alaunt
breed, so that they were facilitating them open way in
the fight with the natives of the American South and Center.
With the course of the time, already established the colonists of Spain
with his Alaunt in land of the American South and Center, these were to stud with dogs that lived there and
without defined breed, originating a new and interesting variety of strong and
powerful dogs, which contributed diverse benefits to owned those who them.
Later, the spanish colonists in their
continuous advance and conquering eagerness, also fought against Indian tribes
of North America, who offered major resistance and disadvantages that the South
indigenous tribes. Tribes like for example; The Sioux, Cheyennes,
Comanches, Cherokee, the feared Apache and especially
those tribes who belonged to the Iroquesa
Confederation in the United States Northeast, since were rather better
coordinated and prepared to each other, to confront a fight common and in
addition were better strategists, doing all the tribes as if a single it was.
This Confederation was also well-known with the name of Haudenosaunee or
Hodinonhsioni. Its capital was located where today
is the Siracusa city in New York State.
The Confederation was formed originally by five tribes; The Seneca, Cayuga,
Little by little the spaniards, to get be the
first european owners of almost
all the American South and Center. The spaniards also were the first european
owners, of a good part than at present is made up the United States of America;
Florida, Louisiana, California, Mississippi, New Mexico, Colorado, Kansas,
Nebraska, Nevada, Arkansas, South Dakota , Arizona, Oklahoma, Texas, etc. until
these places were adjudged to Mexico, when Mexico became independent from Spain
in 1822. The spanish
influence of long ago at present, is even felt of diverse ways in these places
after so many years, not only with the dogs.
Like peculiar note to say, that the dogmen of
the three last mentioned States, Arizona, Oklahoma and Texas, they were to a
great extent the people in charge of the evolution more important than it is
the American Pit Bull Terrier of the present time. Not in vain, the three
better breeders (known) for all times of this wonderful and noble breed dog,
lived in each on those States; Maurice Carver in San
Antonio, Texas, Earl Tudor in Oklahoma and the Reverend Howard Heinzl in Phoenix, Arizona.
Photograph taken in 1873, showing a warrior from the UTE Indian tribe and his dog, a Pit Bull descendant of the Spanish
Alaunt (Alano), contributing to the evolution of the current American
Pit Bull Terrier. Both are found
on the eastern slope of the Wasatch Mountains in
Utah. The UTE people began
trading with the Spanish in
the 17th century. After acquiring horses, the UTEs became skilled
horsemen specialized in combat and began to attack other Native
American tribes, capturing women and children and selling them as slaves in exchange for spanish goods,
including their his valuable Alaunt (Alano) dogs, a breed dog that
in nowadays is extinct.
name the Utah State originates from the Native American "UTE" tribe
which means people of the mountains. Curiously, the ADBA,
American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT or Pit Bull) Canine Mother of the breed in internationally scope, is located
in the Utah State.
This image is a canvas
that shows the
development of the first battle between the Spanish conquerors, commanded by the chief Caonabo, against the Carib Indians, on March 24, 1495 within the Antilles (Hispaniola, present-day Santo
Domingo) Christopher's brother,
Bartholomew Columbus, employed
200 men, 20 horses and 20 Alaunts as Spanish forces, being the entry into America of the Alaunts for the Conquest and later, its descendants contributed it genetics for the development in the evolution of
the American Pit Bull Terrier breed dog.
By North America territories, the spanish
colonists also had to fight against the British colonists, which and
peculiarly, in view of the wonderful results that contributed the dogs to the spanish colonists, copied taking with himself native dogs
of them of prey of their country (mainly of white color),
so that they also helped them in his fights
against the Indians, Spaniards and French.
War dogs in the
American Civil War. Year 1875.
Passed the years and for diverse reasons, the spanish
Alaunt with the british
dogs were mixed and these as well, also were to stud with the mixed crossings
of Alaunt with the dogs that already lived in America
before arriving the spaniards. As a
result of this combination, a new variety of dogs was generated
extraordinary and incredible, impelled positively and effectively by the
denominated the hybrid vigor or heterosis that provided the spanish
Of that one diversity of cross was outlined a new breed dog, which, we
called in nowadays American Pit Bull Terrier, although at those moments
logically, even needed
them to evolve in its fusion with the second parallel way that also made
originated the breed happened in Great Britain, for to define its phenotype and
genotype that them own in the nowadays. This new breed dog, with time got to surpass in qualities and virtues to the powerful spanish Alaunt.
2º- The second parallel way in which the American Pit Bull
Terrier began to originate itself, happened in
For the great admiration that the British dogmen felt by the spanish Alaunt more than 400
years ago, by the vitality, fierceness, chaste and strength which they
demonstrated in the different fights and huntings
where they were used, concerned to its country a great amount of them, who,
went away settling down in different points from the United Kingdom accomplish
a stallion mission (stud), for this way, to introduce new genes in their native
dogs of prey without defined breed (predominated white color in them) and open blood, to try to improve in
which to quality of his dogs.
American Pit Bull Terrier when were
denominated like Old English Bulldog.
The project was obtained successful, thanks to the fort positive and
effective impulse of equally denominated hybrid vigor
or heterosis that provided the spanish Alaunt
to the British dogs. The merit and the credits of the spanish
Alaunt to improve the quality of the British native
dogs of prey, were silenced and buried by most of the British dogmen by obvious reasons to keep the competitor secret,
but more especially even by political discords reasons between the United
Kingdom and Spain. Therefore, at present ignorance in this subject, a pity.
Other American Pit Bull Terrier of the time. Picture by Howitt in 1798.
Of those combinations in the
The official name of American Pit Bull Terrier
occurred for him in 1898, by American Mr. C.Z. Bennet, when on that same year
he founded the Official Organism United Kennel Club (UKC), recognizing the
American Pit Bull Terrier like pure breed dog and registering them in his lists
and granting pedigree to them with his genealogical trees, like a any
other breed dog, realising this way a
memorable work and great zootechnical rigor of that
time in favour of the American Pit Bull Terrier.
In this engraving
of Abraham Cooper of 1817, they appear “Crib” and “Rose”, a pair of American
Pit Bull Terrier own of that time.
Previously to year 1898, to the American Pit
Bull Terrier was denominated to him with different names, depending the
country. In
The creation of the American Pit Bull Terrier,
as much in America as in Great Britain, had to the search by the dogmen of long ago in find a complete work dog, that
adapted perfectly at the time of developing any type of work, by very hard
which they were the circumstances to elaborate it and that the conventional
dogs could not exert.
Butcher and his APBT. He APBT have always been associated so much with
butchers. This dates back to when they were used to control animals in market
stalls. A strong, determined dog was needed to grip and hold unruly animals about
to be butchered.
were bred and prized for their grip and courage (Gameness). Porcelain
more than 100 years ago. Three APBT hunting Wild boar.
APBT. Fighting Dogs Catching their Breath
painting by Sir Edwin Henry Landseer in 1839.
As I said previously, the APBT origin was like work dog and not for to
fight with those of its same specie, although it is true that the dog fights,
it went an activity to consider within the history of the breed. Nowadays, this
activity logically is illegal.
With the ban in
In order to secure to the downsizing, the selection it did not consist
to crossing his dogs with others smaller and different breed dogs, no, since to
do it thus, would suppose lost safe of the qualities and the virtues that
already the APBT owned from their beginning of breed dog, more than 200 years
back of hard selection. The downsizing consisted, in crossing to the best
smaller dogs (all of them pure APBT) so that this way, were geting more agility and quicker that required the fighting
dogs, so dogs with greater functionality and resistance but without losing
“Gameness” that already brought since their origin, quality that
differentiated to them from the rest of breed dogs and that with much time and
effort had cost to the breeders, to obtain it and to fix it to the genes of his
dogs. In addition this downsizing, supposed to the breeders and fans a greater
comfort of mobility and maintenance of his dogs
For the APBT breeders in the selection of his respective breedings, the “Gameness” was the fundamental thing
to conserve in his dogs of them and they were not arranged to lose it in
exchange for a reduction of the size. Nevertheless these breeders, secured
their intention to reduce the size of their dogs without resorting to other
breed dogs, fixing the phenotype of the APBT practically which we know at
present and without lost the “Gameness”, characteristic that continues
being unique and exclusive of this breed dog.
The APBT exterminated plagues of rats. The APBT were used in long ago in the mines
extracting the coal pulling trucks on rails.
When the immigrants of the United Kingdom especially from Ireland, began
to arrive with their dogs at North America since 1800, is when the two parallel
ways that gave rise to the breed began to fusion in a single way, already of
one more defined way with regard to the phenotype and genotype that own the
American Pit Bull Terrier of nowadays.
Certainty of the names of several British breeders is had that moved to
North America with their dogs, like for example; Charles Lloyd began to concern
english dogs to America from year 1840. Also from
England the also breeders arrived to USA, Con Feeley, Frank G. Henry, Richmond, Delihant,
Farmer, Earl Tudor, Joe Corvino among others.
Charles Lloyd
with “Lloyd´s “Paddy” Earl Tudor with Tudor's "BLACK JACK" Joe Corvino with Corvino's "GIMP"
From the
John P. Colby (1875
- 1941) and his son Louis with Colby's "GOLDY" . October
From Ireland they arrived at the USA; W.S. Semmens,
J. Lightner, Jim Corcovan (this it went to the USA to dispute the heavy weights
world Championship title against Sullivan and later was stayed as Police in
Boston), Mc Hammock, Bob Hemphill, Bob
Wallace, Johnny McDonald (Gas House), John Noonan and other many.
William J.
Lightner Bob Wallace Bob Hemphill Jim
Corcoran with Corcoran's "BIDDY"
The dogs arrived from
The dogs of the breeders previously mentioned, were American Pit Bull
Terrier been born in
Same of the best old timers. Left to right and
up; Leo Kinard, Maurice Carver, Bert Clouse in the back of Earl Tudor, Bob
Hemphill, Bob Wallace, George Saddler. Down; Floyd Boudreaux, Rob Lewis, Don Maloney and Scotty Nelson.
Photo taken
The popular breeder Charles Lloyd, transferred
around the 1880 from
put to the breed the name of American Pit Bull
Terrier, in my opinion was the more suitable name than it was
possible to be given. Deserving of the term of
“American”, for be America one
of both places where the breed was originated, especially for be the place
where later it was defined as far as which we know it at present, when the two
parallel varieties or ways fused in only one. In addition, was in
terms “Pit Bull” were additions to
recall the place where the American Pit Bull Terrier faced or harassed to
the bull. That work was very useful for the butchers and of great
importance for the hard selection of the own breed. The term “Terrier” did not given to the breed to have
mixed with some class of Terrier no, rather was addition for being a breed that
was used to work under earth (Terrier = Earth), hunting inside the caves and burrows, extracting the coal of the mines of long
ago, etc.
The new name of American Pit
Bull Terrier for the breed, later also was given by the British dogmen to his dogs, being finally to the passage of time in
that country like Pit Bull Terrier, obvious without the American. These dogs
were being tried like the same breed, by their great similarity of phenotype
and genotype with the American APBT. This similarity was due, to the dominant
genetic contribution that passed on the spanish
Alaunt by the two parallel routes of the origin
already described.
Logically, when
were located in Great Britain the people not called them like APBT, they were
continued calling them with other names like Bull and Terrier, Old English
Bulldog or Pit Dog. When I talk about to the British dogs with the name of
APBT, is for facilitating the understanding to the readers and so that they
really were the same dogs but with different names. Passed the years, after to be Officially baptized like APBT in 1898 in the USA,
the British breeders also they finished unifying the name of his dogs by Pit
Bull Terrier, but without the American ahead for obvious reasons.
After that, in 1909, will be
founded the American Dog Breeders Association (ADBA) and by his good doing in
the conservation of the original APBT, it obtained that nowadays will be the APBT
Canine Mother Internationally,
recognized it by to the FIAPBT in the year 2000, by not to have yielded with the course of the years
not one step backwards, than he is the authentic, genuine, pure was based and
original APBT. The FIAPBT give its recognition by it, is thanked for it and animates to
them to continue doing the same good work.
In 1935, the K.C of
“Jim the Dandy”, of 33 l., was the APBT that was used to make the
standard from the Staffordshire Bull Terrier.
A year later, on
In this picture we can
see the great American Pit Bull Terrier called Colby´s “primo”, at 36l., whose breeds name was later changed and whose pattern
was used to establish the standard of the new breed AST.
Even if now the names and standard of the APBT
bred in
To emphasize, the most
important policy in the breeding selection of the American Pit Bull Terrier
since its origin to nowadays, is to
reproduce American Pit Bull Terrier with an exceptional disposition in the
relation with the people, rejecting in the breeding the units that showed the
minimum gesture of aggressiveness without reasons. After that, the more fundamental genetic characters that fix inside the
breed were and in the present continue being: Intelligence, class, chaste,
value, tenacity, balance, attitude - positive personality, ability, resistance,
powerful prey, a provided functional phenotype that allows him to combine
agility-power and with a good bony constitution. By this, the APBT is the breed
dog of work by excellence, with great desire to please to its owner.
Notes of
interest in some books referring to the Spanish Alaunt.
The existence of Alaunts in Spain dates from several centuries ago and is
not very clearly what was its origin.
Diverse theories exist
about their origin. One of them aims at a possible Iberian origin, defending
its introduction in the
Also its character was
clear defined around its function of dog of takes hold; "
not taking by hunger nor by prize, but by right nature that God gave
him”; (disposition to realise prey).
The first event in the
line of bull-baiting historically accepted, goes back
to the 1209. Historian of Stamford, explains that a good day the Lord of the
city taking a walk by the walls of his castle to enjoy the primaveral
sun, had the occasion to see in a meadow two bulls fighting by the same female,
until the dogs of a local butcher sent themselves against one of the bulls and
they gave death him, after a ferocious fight. The vision of such spectacle
liked so much to Lord that gave to the union of butchers the meadow where the
fight had taken place, with the condition of which every year the spectacle was
This type of spectacle
enjoyed a remarkable diffusion and success in all Europe, throughout six
centuries between the years 1200 and the 1800, the fights between animal at
least comprised of the habitual diversions of all the social classes, from the
dominant classes to the lowest layers of the population.
Between years
1387-1388, in the ¨Hunting Book¨, Gastón Fébus speaks about dogs ¨Alaunts able to cross other bloods, to which it cuts the
ears to them to the evenness to avoid to them wounded in the fight”.
Gastón Fébus Statue III (1331 –
Than doubt does not fit
is that these dogs were very extended, like proves its
appearance in works of the great painters, authentic writers of the reality of
the time. Thus, for example, the dogs are Alaunts
that Velazquez in the hunting of the hole shapes, that is in the National
Gallery of London; those that Goya in his capture of a bull reflects; or those
that appear in an engraving of the romantic Blanchard French, or in works of
Cervantes and Lope de Vega.
English, Germans and
French people, astonished by the aspect and the functions at the Spanish Alaunt, also called " Bulldog" and " Preydog" , they concerned to his countries, as they
demonstrate writings to it of the time, being outlined therefore the Bulldog
types (dog for the bull), Bullenbeiszer (takes hold
bulls) and Bulldog of Bordeaux, respectively. Breeds dogs that would make be
born others, in the British Islands (old Base of mastif
and bullmastif), in Germany (old Base of the Bóxer and German Dogo), in France
(Base of the old Bulldogs of Bordeaux), in Italy (known Base of Napolitan Mastiff and Cane Corso), etc. all these present
nations and their breed dogs come as well from the same common, coincident
trunk with the Spanish Alaunt.
In America the
denominations of Prey dogs or Dogs for the bull in Mexico, Brave dog in
Colombia, Bulldog of Cuba in the Caribbean, Cordovan Dog of Fight and Argentine
Bulldog in Argentina or Fila Brasileiro in Brazil,
are not more than the symbols of different original varieties all from the
Spanish Alaunt who took initially in the American
The Spanish
Alaunts that the conquerors took to
In the stories of the
writers of the time, it was spoken of the Alaunts
that the Spanish explorers took to cross the virgin forests or to watch the campings. There was some of these
stories, in which they narrated infinity of anecdotes with respect to
intelligence, bravery and fidelity that owned the Alaunts.
Some Alaunts deserved by their services that assigned one pays
to them. Fernandez de Oviedo speaks to us of a Alaunt called “Becerrillo",
which always accompanied to the conqueror Diego de Salazar. One said that ten
soldiers with “Becerrillo", were made fear more
than one hundred soldiers without the dog. For that reason it had its part in
booties, and received one pays like the one soldier.
It had several scars of
slings, like a veteran, but its deserved good fame of gained
brave it without being bloodthirsty nor to show no mercy with the won one, a
dog just. The end of “Becerrillo" was like of its son " Leoncillo" , to die crossed to slings in fight with
the Indians.
" Leoncillo"
it was the dog of Núñez de Balboa, and therefore it
was the first European dog that saw the
The Alaunt
called “Amadís”, towards the 1570 accompanied to the spanish colonists in its campaigns
against the Chimilas indians.
The life of “Amadís” was not long, died to Indians
Thanks to the Alaunts that the Spanish colonists took, they could
discover footpaths without knowing the land. In the fight with the natives, the
Alaunts caused to as much astonishment and terror
between the Indians like the firearms.
In the book “the True
History of Conquest of the New Spain” of Mr. Bernal Diaz of the Castle, we can
observe in the first chapters as mentions on the expeditions of Mr. Francisco
Hernandez de Cordoba, who when they arrived at the coasts than at the moment it
is Champoton, Logwood, the Indians of this zone
fought strong to them and in this expedition he bring with himself several Alaunts males and females, and for to save his lives they
fled of that place quickly, leaving in that place the Alaunts
that they had for the offensive.
After all this wine the
second expedition by Captain Juan de Grijalva, and
says the author of the book (that this only does like commentary), that when they arrived with the fleets at the coast from champoton, entered an expedition inland to explore the
land. The explorers (including the author of the book), found the Alaunts and with them to its
descendants, the author said that these were smaller but more fierce that the
originals Alaunts. The author in another commentary
says that those descendants of the Alaunts who had
left years back, they were crossed witn dogs of this
place and the result they were those dogs. The author of this book, was a soldier who survived the three expeditions.
The American Pit Bull Terrier is a
breed dog whose components, present common characters that distinguish them of
other representatives of its specie and that they are genetically
The Mr. Pr. Triquet´s
definition than is a breed dog, is indeed and exactly the exposed thing
previously defining to the American Pit Bull Terrier like breed dog, but the
peculiar thing of this subject, is that the FCI adopt in 1984 the Mr. Pr. Triquet´s definition to define the meaning of breed dog.
There some
people that says that the APBT is not a breed dog, because is selected by his
function and not by his standard and that the
selection by his Official standard, is what it would determine to the APBT like
breed dog.
As I said in the
beginning of this section, the absolute truth does not have nobody, but this
commentary has easy answer to understand that indeed the American Pit Bull
Terrier yes is a breed dog and besides oldest and pure than exists in nowadays,
from her descend other quite popular breed dogs
nowadays, in which at present time nobody dares to put in doubt which they are
not pure breed dogs.
To the APBT is selected by his International official standard, under
the directives of the ADBA and in addition, also the APBT is selected by his
function to realise several types of work and sports, for his great versatility
are able to realise any class of work that realise the other breed dogs and in
addition is enabled to surpass and to improve it. By this same the APBT is the Breed Dog of Work for Excellence, surpassing by
much in this sense to the other breed dogs. The Official standard of the APBT,
is more studied and verified so that the APBT that are within, are very well
equipped physical functionality to develop the work which it is, by very hard
that is the circumstances.
Those that put in evidence their disinformation, I must indicate to them
that the APBT yes it is a pure breed dog, since having his International
Official standard, his International Official Pedigree and International
Official Organisms which they endorse to the 100% to the APBT like pure breed
dog, like for example; UNITED KENNEL CLUB (UKC) since 1898, INTERCONTINENTAL
and especially the AMERICAN DOG BREEDERS ASSOCIATION (ADBA) (International
Canine Mother of the APBT) since 1909, it is what does that the American Pit
Bull Terrier although it hurts to some people, is a pure breed dog in all sense
and older and pure than the majority of the breed dogs that we know at the
present time.
These anti APBT also justify their affirmation, of which the APBT is not
a breed dog, by the mere do of which to some units of APBT not were used to
work and yes for fight with other dogs of his same breed. A thing does not have
to do with the other, so that if we took it to like a justification not to
consider to the APBT like a breed dog, we could not affirm that the APBT is not
a breed dog for the simple reason, that the immense majority of the APBT never
fought and passed through the anonymity carrying out daily works that to them
their owners entrusted.
By this same rule of three, we would not to consider breed dogs to all those
breed dogs that also made fight, like for example: to the American
Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Sharpei,
Dogo Argentine, Presa
Canary, Tosa Inu and an
endless of breed dogs that also were used for these illegal aims nowadays. The
simple one is a great barbarism to contemplate this hypothesis, the one of not
recognizing like breed dogs those breeds that were
used some of their components for the fights between dogs. In my opinion, who
has boldness to affirm that they are not breed dogs, those breeds that were
used some of their components for the fights of dogs, are not making another
thing that to dynamite the foundations of his own breeds.
Is not of justice, that there people that wants to make believe to the
Governmental Institutions, that to all the APBT were selected only for the
fights of dogs and that only be given this “utility”, for this way if they
prick the hook, being able to damage and harming this wonderful and noble breed
dog. The governors of some countries, have prohibited to the APBT for believe
very much lies and calumnies of some "Experts" of breeds.
The fights of dogs like a “supposed hobby” for somebody, were clearly
registered in several books, daily magazines of that time, registries, etc.,
etc. and works (Greater hunting, mining dogs extracting the coal in carts on
rails, dogs to exterminate plagues of rats, dogs of the butchers, etc. etc.)
logically no.
This last one, is similar to which it happens with a sportsman and a
worker of the human species; The work of the football player alias “Pele”, by
hundreds of years that pass, will be always remembered by the notes of history,
like one of the best football players of all times. Nevertheless, the best
carpenter of the same time of “Pele”, nowadays nobody remember him and much
less pass hundreds of years by not to have been clear their work in any
registry, book, magazines, etc., etc. but that do not mean, that carpenter had
the same or better level working the wood that “Pele” playing soccer.
Returning to the selection of the APBT, is possible to emphasize that
the standard of the APBT is somewhat more flexible than the other breed dogs,
but having his limits very marked as far as weight, height, proportions and
angulations, among others physical aspects. So why this flexibility of the
standard of the APBT, be due simply and by the different selections on the part
of the breeders, since depending the type of work to which one goes away to him
to entrust the future to APBT, it would be selected to him with one or the
other appearance, but respecting the breeders the Official standard, being
ALWAYS within it.
The fights of dogs, are part of the history of
our breed dog to consider and I do not deny it, but we understand that belongs
to the pass times and in the present times these practice already no longer
have capacity for the breed nor for his fans.
In order to guarantee the future of the American Pit Bull Terrier, in
view of the negative present circumstances around, is good thing to understand
and to be informed of his past time. Some of these anti APBT, do not know or
rather they do not want to know, that this breed dog, the APBT, began to
originate 500 years ago with the intention of later realising all type of works
for benefit of the society and up to 330 or 340 years, is when was introduced
to some of his components for fights between dogs.
Then, Why as much eagerness to affirm that the APBT were created to
fight and only for that activity? This is very easy to understand, so by this
way, lying, they will have easier to secure to the destruction and therefore
the extinction of the APBT, leaving them to them the open doors and without
competition for to sell better the breed dogs than they breed, The reason? The
This type of people, cannot nor wants to accept the great qualities and
virtues that our breed dog owns and that the APBT, are those that gave origin
to their respective breeds, the breeds that they are enjoying nowadays.
Thankful they would have to be to the American Pit Bull Terrier.
For more details on this
subject, you can visit the section of work with
the American Pit Bull Terrier in the FIAPBT Web site.