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@ Video INTRODUCTION of what happened globally: https://thebigresetmovie.com/area-video
@ WAR IN UKRAINE??? https://www.fiapbt.net/ukraine.html
NEWS!!! New variant of HIV or AIDS coming in the third Covid
19 vaccine: https://www.fiapbt.net/covidhiv.html
PEOPLE are collaborators and accomplices of the global
https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/posts/10160213702266133 In
Web site: https://www.fiapbt.net/nwo.html
@ FAKE News???
@ And
after the PLANDEMIC? https://www.fiapbt.net/andnow.html
@ Video
happened globally: https://thebigresetmovie.com/area-video
In the way
that everything has happened overnight, regarding the enormous change in the
global social life system since 2020, after acquiring the Objective and
especially Scientific information, which can be seen in this video, anyone who
hadn't realized it yet and wasn't too programmed or manipulated, this
information should give them pause for a while at least...
To avoid
Censorship and to be able to share or add the link to this Video in various
places on the Internet, such as Facebook, etc., in this way, giving other
people the opportunity to see it, WE RECOMMEND resorting to separating the link
of the Video, being this way: https://thebigresetmovie.
com/area-video After this, whoever wishes to
view the Video, only has to join the place where
“the point” is located with the “com” and you will be able to see it.
New variant of HIV or AIDS coming in the third
Covid 19 vaccine
En ESPAÑOL aquí: https://www.fiapbt.net/covih.html
about a new variant of HIV or AIDS, which develops faster: https://www.unaids.org/en/resources/presscentre/pressreleaseandstatementarchive/2022/february/20220207_hiv-variant
This news of the new variant of
HIV or AIDS, is strictly FALSE, it is not a new variant of AIDS, no, these new
infections of AIDS are caused by the third vaccine of Covid 19, as the
honorable doctor LUC MONTAGNIER, MEDICINE NOBEL PRIZE, already explained, in
addition, the NOBEL PRIZE was awarded to him precisely for having been the
discoverer of the HIV or AIDS virus. LUC MONTAGNIER, is the MEDICINE NOBEL
PRIZE WINNER of all those still alive, more indicated and the one with the
highest authority to speak precisely about this
What happens is that LUC
MONTAGNIER, after having publicly shown his enormous concern that he and his
team had found the HIV or AIDS virus inside the vials of the third vaccine, the
BILDERBERGS elite Immediately and subtly, they
pulled the strings to make him disappear forever. After
this, the
BILDERBERGS quickly notified the population
from their private companies, the UN, the WHO and their disinformation media,
thus giving the news in the precise way that they were interested in,
that a new variant of HIV or AIDS had occurred, so nobody will thought that it
could be related to the "vaccines", since in reality, this new way of
contracting HIV or AIDS, was because they themselves had provided it
consciously within of many “vaccines”, with the purpose of doing a lot of
damage to citizens in a different way. The Truth, sooner or later, in one way
or another always prevails, no matter who it weighs...
In this way, the evildoers
wanted to achieve, that when the citizens learned of the discovery that LUC
MONTAGNIER had made of HIV or AIDS found in many of the third doses of the
Covid "vaccines", they would no longer offer credibility to his
discovery. , taking him for crazy, since this information had already been
offered by the UN, the WHO and their "wonderful" official media and
none of them reported the news in the way that LUC MONTAGNIER had explained,
therefore, deception is served, but served only for those who allow themselves
to be deceived of course.
LUC MONTAGNIER explained that in
addition to being able to become infected with HIV or AIDS from Covid vaccines,
cardiac arrest, etc., there are also other serious pathologies that are
expected to be found in the medium and long term, which worsen as the
more number of administered doses of inoculations, not vaccines, of Covid
19, since after having studied and observed within the vials the large amount
of Nano Technology, GRAPHENE, Ribonucleic Acid (RNA), Microchips, Nano
particles still unidentified , etc., which, the behavior that all these large
number of components may have inside the human body, are still mostly unknown,
not predicting that it is anything good, since it is known that all these
components mentioned, are directly related; With the waves of Satellite
Frequencies; With the waves of 5G Frequencies; With the HAARP Frequencies
waves; With the various elements dumped or fumigated from the CHEMTRAILS, With
the waves of Telephony Frequencies; etc., in addition, making them fear for the
Animals, Nature, Mother Earth, and as far as humans are concerned, the
secondary effects of the "vaccines", unfortunately we think that they
will be linked to observation and treatment for a long time, when not forever.
For these and other reasons, LUC MONTAGNIER does not recommend inoculation to
anyone under any circumstances, considering that these Covid 19 inoculations
are not even vaccines, it will be anything but not a vaccine.
Ten days after making these
statements, showing the results of his investigations, on February 8, 2022, LUC
MONTAGNIER was MURDERED by the white-collar assassins of the
BILDERBERGS, who are the owners of the
Pharmaceuticals, owners of the Reserve Federal and owners of the Financial
Power in short, which, this MURDER comes to CONFIRM in a clear and forceful
way, that what Dr. LUC MONTAGNIER had affirmed was true. In addition, LUC
MONTAGNIER must have been testified on February 12, 2022 about his
discoveries obtained in the study of the composition of the
"vaccines", no less than before the Supreme Court of Canada, in
the Trial of Crimes against Humanity, in regarding the existing global plot
for the REDUCTION of the WORLD POPULATION, which is being developed by
the Elite of the West and the Elite of the East together and in
synchronized collaboration.
We are talking about mentally
ill psychopaths. Those who lead these elites do not do it for money, no, since
they already have all the money in the world, they do it for two fundamental
reasons; By insane obsession to have the absolute CONTROL of the
citizens; And, due to an insane obsession with REDUCING the WORLD POPULATION,
reducing it from the almost eight billion inhabitants that the planet currently
has, to wanting to leave only 500 million and those 500 million survivors, to
have them under CONTROL, with Microchips and Nanotechnology, as hybrids or
androids. This information is well known because it was said at the time by
some of these Bilderberg mentally ill psychopaths, not by us. FAKE News??? https://www.fiapbt.net/fake.html
The Elite of the West and the
Elite of the East are partners, they work for the same goal, the New World
Order known as the NWO.
@ Regarding the recent
Virologist and Nobel Prize in Medicine, LUC MONTAGNIER, opposed to
"vaccines" and dissident of the Covid Farce in general, was going to
testify this February 12, 2022 before the Supreme Court of Canada, in the Trial
of Crimes against Humanity , popularly known as the second Nuremberg trial,
Trial against the
BILDERBERGS (Families such as the ROTHSCHILD, the
LEHMAN BROTHERS, the GOLDMAN, etc. ), the bankers who own the Financial Power
who own the Pharmaceuticals and also against some of their collaborators, such
as; Bill Gates; Pfizer and other pharmaceutical companies; The obedient Puppets
Presidents of various countries; various politicians; Police authorities and
the army without Common Sense obedient to the elite to keep their salaries;
Media; Unscrupulous doctors and health workers also collaborating with
GENOCIDE; etc etc. Well, precisely 4 days before testifying, specifically on
February 8, THEY FOUND HIM ALREADY DEAD!!! Afterwards, the disinformation media
do not speak out, they do not say the cause of death, they do not say anything
at all, total occultism in the face of the death of an entire NOBEL PRIZE PRIZE
IN MEDICINE, does it really not smell strange to you??? Well, precisely 4 days
before testifying, specifically on February 8, ´THEY FOUND HIM ALREADY DEAD!!!
Later, the disinformation media do not say the cause that he has died nor say
anything at all, total occultism in the face of the death of an entire NOBEL
PRIZE PRIZE IN MEDICINE, ´Really doesn't it smell strange to you???
looks like the elite white glover hitmen also have killed him, as they have
done with countless scientists, doctors, teachers, etc. distributed throughout
the world, who also told the truth, which made the genocidal bankers who own
the pharmaceutical companies excessively uncomfortable, which are the ones who
promote the global health crisis, then pull their strings to try not to leave a
trace and I say try because they do nothing else to err and err, since the
duster is being seen them too much and that, does nothing other than ignite the
flame of indignation and of the Truth itself much more and here we have a great
example; FAKE News??? https://www.fiapbt.net/fake.html And after the PLANDEMIC what? https://www.fiapbt.net/andnow.html
should be known, that adrenaline,
also known like epinephrine, is a
Medicine and a hormone, which is used by white
glove murderers to leave no trace of the crime. The effects of a high dose
of intravenous or oral adrenaline in the body, cause infarction or cardiac
arrest to whom it has been administered, and it should be noted that, 20
minutes after death, the heart of the deceased recovers its normal size, without leav a trace in the body of the
supplied adrenaline, with which, in the result of the autopsy, the cause of the
murder will be given as a natural death.
This is one of the favorite systems of the genocidal elite of the West, as well
as those of their colleagues and partners, those of the elite of the East, to eliminate those who discover the truth,
which, to these genocidal gulfs they not want that the truth being disclosed in
society, in this way, not harming or interfering in their plot of the
development of their New World Order.
addition to NOBEL PRIZE winner Luc Montagnier, other researchers also warn that C0vid vaccines may increase the
risk of HIV infection: https://www.forbes.com/sites/roberthart/2020/10/20/researchers-warn-some-covid-19-vaccines-could-increase-risk-of-hiv-infection/?fbclid=IwAR3rRNX95T-IIu8w12siD690aglWgib_S4ZpmSeEmUiaBu-6Cr5QnDatWhA
En ESPAÑOL aquí: ¿BULO???
https://www.facebook.com/IADCRO/photos/a.288209662992/10158665525407993 - https://www.fiapbt.net/bulo.html
Hello friends,
I would like to deal with an issue that, in my opinion, is quite important to
take into account, since, if it were not taken into account, the current
reality would be quite distorted to the detriment of those of always, the
citizens, but in this case multiplied per thousand.
The matter
in question is that not long ago, a few months, no more, relevant news related
to a health issue that encompasses us all, a "Black Hand", in a
subtle way and from the shadows, with absolute control of all Internet tools
have completely misrepresented what actually happened, news, which can be
easily found on the Internet, through its various tools, such as Google,
Facebook, YouTube, etc., in this way. way, being able to find out about all of
them, news all of them related in one way or another to the vaccine, especially
news of suicides of scientists and doctors involved with the vaccine and the
declarations of the knowledge they had acquired by studying the vaccine in
different facets, which that they had discovered after having carried out their
respective SCIENTIFIC investigations regarding vaccines, especially the
components that they had discovered within them s, such as; Ribonucleic Acid
(RNA), Magnetic Metals; Neuro transmitters; Nano Technology, Nano Chips, GRAPHENE
Oxide, etc.
The point of
this message is the following; I imagine that some of those who are reading
these lines, will have realized that until recently, news did not appear on
google deliberately adding RECTIFICATIONS of specific news, huge and
exaggeratedly highlighted words such like “FAKE”.
this type of rectifications and terms such like “FAKE”
have appeared just at the moment that the elite has needed it, in this way, to
hide and mask their shit through CONFUSION, closing the mouths of the
Scientists and HONEST Doctors murdering them to make sure they don't speak
again, and later, when someone has reported the crime on the Internet, that
"Black Hand" has rushed to rectify said information with the term “FAKE”, as the news happened with the director of the most important hospital in Germany, which was murdered by throwing him out the window
into the void: https://noticierouniversal-com.translate.goog/actualidad/el-director-del-hospital-mas-importante-de-alemania-muere-tras-saltar-al-vacio-desde-la-azotea-del-edificio-luego-de-admitir-que-las-vacunas-son-una-estafa?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=es&_x_tr_pto=wapp
The same
thing happened with the news of the crime of the Scientist and Doctor Andreas Noack, the person who DISCOVERED the GRAPHENE in the Vaccines,
since for example, if you search for information on google about his murder,
you will find the word “FAKE” so you don't think he was killed, or at least get
your confusion about it.
In this
specific case of the Scientist and Doctor Andreas Noack, by chance, his
murderers made a serious mistake, they were caught on video red-handed, thanks
to a camera that they thought was offline. The link of the VIDEO that I attach
below, are the last images with life of the Scientist and Doctor Andreas Noack.
After watching this short Video, judge for yourself, to see if the news of the
murder of the Scientist and Doctor Andreas Noack, corresponds to the word of
"FAKE". As you can already imagine and as a rule of thumb, the word
"FAKE" are placed on all those news related to the discoveries that are
being made of vaccines and also to news of murders similar to those of this
unfortunate, honorable and wise Scientist and Doctor Andreas Noack (to whom we
should all be very grateful), that is what they do with the rest of the news to
get their plot forward.
Yes friends,
reality is stranger than fiction. This case of the Scientist and Doctor Andreas
Noack, you can check if you wish with your own eyes below:
Last images with life of
the Scientist and Doctor Andreas Noack.
reputed gentleman that you can see in this VIDEO:
https://www.facebook.com/VILLALIBERTYKENNELS/videos/3085512321731743 Same VIDEO in Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/669989305
who is being quietly interviewed online, is the Scientist and Doctor of
Chemistry Andreas Noack. This Scientist and Doctor also has a Doctorate in the
specialty of GRAPHENE. This honorable Scientist, Andreas Noack, was the one who
discovered that Vacc ines contained GRAPHENE OXIDE. Faced with such a surprise,
from his CONSCIOUSNESS he felt the need to notify as soon as possible,
in this way, to prevent the health of citizens and especially that of children.
video shows the German police, who, after violently entering the house of this
gentleman, shouting and breaking the doors of his house, aggressively ask him
various questions, among them they ask him for his name They didn't want to
make mistakes, they went for him. They put a kind of hood over his head, as if
he were the greatest Terrorist in the world, and he is no longer seen more. A FEW HOURS after what you have seen in the video, THEY FOUND HIM
ALREADY DEAD!!! They alleged that his death was due to cardiac arrest.
recent unfortunate final outcome that the Scientist and Doctor Andreas Noack
has suffered, has exactly the same patterns as those of many other recent death
outcomes, which occurred "mysteriously" to other people; Scientists
in various areas; Biologists, Chemists, Biochemists, Doctors, Professors, etc.
These last unfortunates had in common with the Scientist and Doctor Andreas
Noack, who, like him, publicly showed his Knowledge and his opinions under the
SCIENTIFIC prism regarding the Vacc ine. All of them, scientifically
demonstrated, as did his colleague the Scientist and Doctor Andreas Noack, the
enormous inconveniences for health, to the detriment of the citizens to whom
Vacc ine is subtly subjected. These public statements, did not like anything to
those who are collecting and collecting as much as possible at the expense of
the Vacc ine.
this, a "black hand" has pulled the strings in defense of the
Obedient German police, so that those who wish to seek information, regarding what
has happened to the Scientist and Doctor Andreas Noack, find the following
regarding Dr. Andreas Noak;
"The statement was
described as false, since there is no record that shows that he was murdered,
in fact the official sources assure that he died of a heart attack and that
there was no involvement of third parties." (Sic)
have seen the Video, you have seen the ways in which they entered the house,
you know the importance of the information that the Scientist and Doctor
Andreas Noack denounced, you know the enormous number of different interests
that exist for the Vacc ine to continue throughout the world, now, it is also
you who must draw your own conclusions regarding what happened with the
Scientist and Doctor Andreas Noack, we are very clear about it, but we do not
want to convince or prejudice anyone's opinions, we think that the Respect for
Freedom of Thought is as important as respect for Freedom of Expression, which
has been so unfairly censored in the last two years all over the planet, to the
point that respect for individual and global FREEDOM in themselves, conspicuous
by their absence...
that appears the term "FAKE", well it will be that not so much...
by yourself! Be yourself! It's up to you?
encouragement and go ahead, they are few and cowards.
“Hitler knew this very well, like
his friends and associates the global elite in nowadays...
are only capable of telling small lies and cannot conceive of big lies.
Therefore, if you really want to hide something important from the population,
deceive them with SUCH A BIG lie that, even if they discover it, they will not
believe it.” (Hitler)
Original Post Link to SHARE: https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/photos/a.451449941132/10160210018826133
holocaust that Hitler carried out is child's play compared to what these
psychopaths have done, they have learned a lot and have surpassed their
teacher. Luckily, there is very little time left, so that finally the entire
Pharmaceutical plot of the genocidal Bilderberg and its collaborators comes to
light, thus ending all this GENOCIDAL HOAX globally, later, many will have to
assume their RESPONSIBILITIES for their actions, for the attitude that they
have shown during what has happened during all this time and heads will roll,
how could it be otherwise, but especially and so that these types of episodes
do not occur again in humanity, we must
go for those of above, the genocidal Bilderbergers, they have names and
surnames, the cowards who hide behind Politicians, Businessmen, Bankers,
Religions, the Media, etc., and from that place, from the shadows, in a sick
and psychopathic way they scheme against humanity but not from now, no, for
hundreds of years, they are the cancer of humanity, it is that they also
perform blood rituals with young children, they also abuse them and those who
get to live, they are traumatized for their entire lives, they are inveterate
pedophile predators, they are satanic, they are the worst, they think they are
masters and lords of humanity.
THE CHILDREN DON'T TOUCH!!! https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=4989197554464676&set=a.1748933491824448
Many wonder why all these
rabble live so many years.
In the following
photograph you have the answer:
ADRENOCHROME. investigate
it for yourself.