Caution with Scammers... American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT or Pit Bull) & OFRN Different breeds? (By Mariano Peinado. Madrid, octuber 9, 2024)

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Friends, be very CAUTION with SCAMMERS...

Unmasking to the scammers when they come to you talking to you about Tall Chinese Tales about the breed, such as, for example;

The Recovery of the OFRN or RED NOSE to avoid its EXTINCTION. Or, that the American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT or Pit Bull) and the OFRN are different breeds, etc.


To state matters in nowadays of the year 2024, such as, for example; That BOB WALLACE avoided the EXTINCTION of the RED NOSE, thanks to the search he carried out in his time to RECOVER RED NOSE specimens. Or, also to state; That the breed dog American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT or Pit Bull) and its variety OFRN are different breeds, as well as other matters of the style, clearly and evidently reveal two issues, or Ignorance, or interest in deceiving fans to benefit lucratively in various ways. Let's see;


Some people say that Bob Wallace set out to find any OFRN or RED NOSE specimen anywhere in the USA, regardless of its origin, as long as it had the 5 PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF PIGMENTATION typical of the RED NOSE, and in this way to begin to work in his time for the “RECOVERY” of the OFRN or RED NOSE. In his search, Bob Wallace not only found one specimen, no, but he managed to find several RED NOSE, as many as he needed for his project. If Bob Wallace had continued looking for RED NOSE, he would have found them everywhere, because wherever the breed is, there will also be OFRN or RED NOSE, because are an intrinsic part of the breed. I emphasize this last point, especially for those who are unaware of it and also for others, who are talking about the recovery of the OFRN or RED NOSE with the bad intention of deceiving the beginning fans in order to try to profit lucratively in various ways from this hoax. Bob Wallace did not make any recovery of anything, he just looked for OFRN or RED NOSE Pit Bulls because he liked that color and he found them, that was simply it, since he loved some of Lightner's dogs for their RED NOSE color, but from there, to affirm that thanks to Bob Wallace with that supposed "RECOVERY" the OFRN or RED NOSE did not become extinct, well there is a lot of difference, an insult to Common Sense and Knowledge to consider or give credibility to that statement.


Searching for Pit Bulls for a specific color (aesthetics) and then breeding them based on the desired color is, in my opinion, a huge mistake, since Pit Bulls, being the Working Dog Breed par Excellence, should not be bred or selected for color or aesthetics, rather, they should be bred and selected for good attitude and character, for a good functional phenotype for Work - Sport, and also, bred and selected for one's preferred genetics within the breed. What really led Bob Wallace to fall in love with those Lightner dogs and I think he himself did not realize it, was because of the purity of the breed that those RED NOSE possessed that he fell in love with, they were pure or authentic dogs of the American Pit Bull Terrier breed (APBT or Pit Bull) with its qualities and virtues, which, are already inherent in the same pure breed and not because of its coloring, although indeed, those Lightner dogs had the 5 PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF PIGMENTATION for which they were cataloged in 1920 by Dan McCoy as the Pit Bull OLD FAMILY RED NOSE (OFRN), or abbreviated as RED NOSE. Probably Bob thought that the qualities and virtues that he had appreciated in those RED NOSE, were due to its coloring.


Dan McCoy catalogued the Red Pit Bulls as OLD FAMILY RED NOSE (OFRN) or RED NOSE, to follow the already existing tradition around this dogs, that was nothing new, he catalogued them in that way, to follow in the same wake and tune of the OLD FAMILY REDS, that variety of Pit Bull with the same 5 physical characteristics of pigmentation, which, around the year 1850 were already catalogued and described as the OLD FAMILY REDS by an old family in the counties of Kerry and Cork in Ireland, that variety of Pit Bull with the same 5 physical characteristics of pigmentation were bred by fans in various different places, not only in Ireland or in the USA, they were bred by fans wherever the pure breed was found, since the Red Gene RED NOSE is intrinsic to the breed, it belongs to the pure breed, which, always and forever will carry that Gene wherever the breed is found, I do not think it is so difficult to understand.


The American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT or Pit Bull) possessing the red gene, which is called Old Family Reds, Old Family Red Nose (OFRN) or simply its abbreviation as “RED NOSE”, was not a gene created by any breeder, that gene was created by the nature of the breed itself, since the Red Gene or “RED NOSE” that some Pit Bulls possess, is an intrinsic part of the breed itself since its origins hundreds of years ago. Neither Lightner, nor Hemphill, nor McCoy, nor Wallace, nor O'Neal, nor Trahan, nor absolutely ANYONE, were the creators of the red gene that the Pit Bull variety OFRN or RED NOSE has, as some would have the hobbyists believe. The aforementioned breeders, effectively bred several “RED NOSE” Pit Bulls because they liked that coloration and they also bred Pit Bulls of other colors not only “RED NOSE”, because above all they loved the breed.


The names Old Family Reds, Old Family Red Nose (OFRN) or Red Nose, are terms created by fans of the breed over the last few years, in order to better IDENTIFY a specific variety of Pit Bull by its 5 SPECIFIC PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF PIGMENTATION, 5 characteristics that can be appreciated by the eye of the observer in the PHENOTYPE of the specimen called RED NOSE. The terms Old Family Reds, Old Family Red Nose (OFRN) or Red Nose, are not synonymous with CREATION, nor with PROPERTY of ANYONE, however much some insist on affirming the contrary in order to confuse newcomers to the breed and to make money in various ways based on tall tales. Do your own research, do not be fooled so easily…


As a complement to what has been narrated above, to say, for example, that not long ago, a fan of the breed, let's call him "Mr X" to avoid advertising on my website, quite intentionally wrote on my Facebook profile telling me the following;


@ "Mr X":

Mariano, you may be one of the only people in the industry who will understand the following statement: OFRN and Tudor dogs are not the same breed, as they do not share a single common ancestor (apart from wolves of course) What is your opinion on this point of view? Can someone prove to me with arguments that OFRN and Tudor dogs are in fact the same breed?


ANSWER to “Mr X”:

Hello “Mr X” How are you?

The statement; “: OFRN and “Tudor” dogs are not the same breed, since they do not share a single common ancestor” (Sic) It is more false than a 3 euro bill. I do not have to go looking for proof anywhere, since I have it in my own dogs. For example, in the ascending scale from the sixth and seventh generation of my RED PIT’s ancestors, you can clearly see the TUDOR and OFRN dogs whose ancestors are the same and, by the way, they are extraordinary American Pit Bull Terriers (APBT or Pit Bull) there, just with this example of my dog, already ​​I have demonstrated to you what you are asking:


                                RED PIT” FIAPBT Pedigree Online:





Look, having to prove things like this I think is a bit of a waste of time, at least on my part, but if it's worth it to show you or other fans what some clever scammers have sown with bad intentions within the breed to deceive the fans, then it's worth it to me and with a lot this explaining, of course it is and as I just showed you with my dog's ancestors. This subject it's like having to prove that 2 plus 2 doesn't equal 4 and it makes you a bit angry, Right?


This matter, that of the scammers, I already let it drop in a subtle way in the post, that these types of FALSE and ill-intentioned statements come from supposed lovers of the breed but that, in reality, they are lovers of having their pockets full of money from the new ones who start in the breed by deceiving them and confusing them with tall tales to try to get them to bite the bait and get away with it. However, given the enormous interest that new fans currently show in acquiring well-verified knowledge, these supposed lovers of the breed, the scammers, are having it worse every day, they are having it bad, very bad to continue deceiving.


I recommend studying the intricacies of the breed and then continuing to study and go more in that sense, in this way, being able to contrast what you have learned and, above all, in the end, applying COMMON SENSE and your own indications that coming from your own heart to draw your own conclusions, so that you are your own teacher and this is applicable to politics and everything that surrounds us in this our global society, not only with dogs.


Greetings and thanks for commenting,


Mariano Peinado


@ Mr X

I PERSONALLY, throughout an investigation of almost 20 years, have not managed to find EVEN A SINGLE COMMON ANCESTOR between the founding dogs of the OFRN line and the DIBO dogs, not even in the fifteenth generation. Saying that the OFRN and the Dibo are the same breed is just as ridiculous as saying that the APBT and the Staffordshire Terrier are the same breed.

Tell me: What common ancestors did Ferguson's Centipede and Tudor's Dibo have? I think you're confusing me with an amateur,


(After this, I have not published the rest of the message from “Mr X” due to lack of relevance, using bad-sounding, cocky, offensive and threatening words, with what has already been published from the message from “Mr X” for the complement of the report is more than enough)



As I said before, this matter is identical to if I had to prove that 2 plus 2 does not equal 4 and that circumstance, given the evidence of the result, becomes somewhat annoying, but I will still answer you, well.


In your words, one can clearly see a stubborn ignorance, even, I think, arrogance. You say that you are not a fan of the breed? So, What are you of the breed to know in what terms I should treat His Excellency??? Me yes I am a fan of the breed, within the breed I do not aspire to anything other than that, I will always be and with great honor.


Look, I wasn't going to respond to you because of what I already commented in my first message, that these types of conversations are a waste of time and finally I was not wrong, even so I am going to respond for the last time to "clarify" your mistakes and thus leave this matter finished, at least finished for me, since I do not like your attitude and way of dealing with this matter, to which, I would ask you not to write (promote yourself) on my website again, I consider that you have bad intentions with the breed and its fans, especially for wanting to divide it in two just like some scammers do in the USA and precisely with this same matter of the OFRN, stating just like you that the OFRN and the Pit Bull are different breeds and thus justify opening your own business with this new breed that you say you have, boasting of having the exclusivity to sell more and better to the novices who are just starting with the breed and also, selling your own Pedigrees outside the consideration of the International Canine Mother of the American Pit Bull Terrier, the ADBA, even, selling pedigrees to mixed breed dogs and they do it knowingly in order to charge for the services of preparing these FALSE pedigrees, that is, the total ruin of the pure Pit Bull breed in a matter of 20 years if nobody does anything to prevent it. You know perfectly well those people from the USA that I am referring to, Right?


And you say that you have done a whole investigation of up to 15 generations or more in ascending scale of the Pit Bull OFRN or RED NOSE called FERGUSON´S CENTIPEDE and that you have not found TUDOR dogs or common ancestors of TUDOR´S “DIBO” and for that reason, you have the courage, the ignorance, or the nerve to affirm that the OFRN are not the same breed as the American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT or Pit Bull)??? What kind of research have you done? Or is it about another issue? What you have done is not any research, it is simply a farce, fantasizing or boasting about something that you lack thinking that the rest of us are not going to know about these issues enough to refute the false nonsense that you affirm, nonsense, which, moreover, with your own words fall apart, you yourself demonstrate the opposite of what you affirm, a total contradiction and right now I will demonstrate it to you in two minutes.


1) Let's analyze your categorical statements when you say that;

“OFRN and "Tudor" dogs are not the same breed, since they do not share a single common ancestor” (Sic)


But man of God, if many of the OFRN come from TUDOR dogs and it is not necessary to escalate the research of its ancestry at all to prove it, as you claim to have done, for example, HARVEY'S “RED DEVIL”, the father of FERGUSON'S “CENTIPIDE”, is already a son of a TUDOR dog, specifically TUDOR´S (ALLEN) FIGHTING TIGE:

HARVEY'S “RED DEVIL” FIAPBT Pedfigree Online: I repeat, What kind of research have you done???


2) Or when you tell me that;

“Tell me: What ancestors did Ferguson's Centipede and Tudor's Dibo have in common?” (Sic)


You are just committing mistakes one after another, I'm already too bored with this subject, but I promised myself to answer you for the last time and I'm going to keep my word. What ancestors did FERGUSON'S CENTIPEDE and TUDOR'S DIBO have in common, you ask me? They had quite a few ancestors in common, such as, for example, the HENRY'S DOGS, especially HENRY'S “RED TODDY”, he was a Red Nose or OFRN and it is the common denominator of all this that you ask, ignore and disqualify so lightly. At the time of “RED TODDY”, in the year 1900, the term OFRN or Red Nose had not yet been invented, since the term OFRN was invented or devised by Dan McCoy in the year 1920, so, ´The RED TODDY according to you, because it was before the year 1920 was no longer an OFRN or RED NOSE, even though it had the 5 physical characteristics of pigmentation detailed to be one and also being the ancestor of many of those same OFRN or RED NOSE that you mention????


HENRY'S “RED TODDYwas one of the most important of Frank G. Henry's Reproducers, if not the most important. Even though at that time in 1900 the term Old Family Red Nose (OFRN), or abbreviated as RED NOSE, did not yet exist in the breed, the RED TODDYdid indeed meet the 5 pigmentation requirements to be classified as a RED NOSE. According to Bob Hemphill, it was not until approximately 1920, when Dan McCoy began to use the term Old Family Red Nose for all those specimens of the breed, which, regardless of their genetic origin, had 5 very specific pigmentation characteristics, being precisely the 5 pigmentation characteristics that the RED TODDY and also many other specimens showed, being the following:


1º- Brown coat or mantle in its different shades, white being admitted. 2º- A red, pinkish or flesh-colored nose. 3º- Pinkish corners of the lips. 4º- White, brown or pinkish nails. 5º- Amber-colored eyes.


Dan McCoy, Bob Hemphill, Bob Wallace, Bob O'Neal and some more young Irish breeders located in the USA, used in their respective breeding the Irish Red Nose dogs of the veteran Irish breeder, William J. Lightner, since they were the Pit Bulls that they knew from their environment. They were enthusiastic about these dogs, but not because they were RED NOSE, no, but because they were authentic, purebred Pit Bulls and when you meet and get to know a purebred Pit Bull, you simply fall in love with it immediately by the many and diverse qualities and virtues that Pit Bulls possess.


Look Mr X, Dan McCoy was the one who created in 1920 the term Old Family Red Nose (OFRN) or RED NOSE for those Pit Bulls that met the mentioned 5 pigmentation characteristics, that is, the term was also applied to HENRY'S “RED TODDY, to its son HENRY'S “RED TODDY JR and to all those specimens of this noble and wonderful breed dog before and after the year 1920, which showed the 5 pigmentation characteristics Old Family Red Nose (OFRN) or RED NOSE, it is simple to understand and Common Sense. For example, the Irish breeders Dan McCoy, Bob Hemphill, Bob Wallace, Bob O'Neal, etc., despite being much younger breeders than Frank G. Henry, since this one by age he could be the father or grandfather of all of them, did not take into consideration his elaborate work in breeding Pit Bulls for so many years, for the simple fact not being in their environment and because, in addition, Henry came from England and his specimens had a significant part of their genetics of English origin.


It should be noted that at that time in the USA there was a huge rivalry between dogmen from Ireland and dogmen from England, in terms of seeing which dogs were the best in the fight (dog fights), since at that time dog fights were not an illegal activity as it is today in most countries of the world. However, it is no less important to know that the bloodlines, genetic ramifications or strains that the breeders from both countries in the USA worked with, were already quite mixed with each other, since for example, the Irish dogs had already been mixed with crosses that were made with English Pit Bulls such as LLOYD'S “PILOT, LLOYD'S “PADDYBURKE´S “RAFFERTYetc. and vice versa, by the way, these specimens are also common ancestors of FERGUSON'S CENTIPEDE and TUDOR'S DIBO.


For all these reasons, some fans, ignorantly and others, dishonestly, currently claim that the term Old Family Red Nose (OFRN) or RED NOSE, applies only to Pit Bulls with an ancestry from Lightner's dogs, without knowing that Lightner also worked and developed other Pit Bull colors (including black) in his breeding, as important as the RED NOSE but not as well known, which, for Lightner, were easier to handle because they were smaller and better than the OFRN or RED NOSE, and this was said by Lightner himself. Other bloodlines, genetic ramifications or strains that were also RED NOSE also emerged from Ireland, not only Lightner's. Some have dishonestly distorted the Truth to MONOPOLIZE for their own benefit, but to the detriment of the breed and its fans, the term OFRN or RED NOSE was created without any bad intention by Dan McCoy and he did it to identify the purebred Pit Bulls that met the aforementioned 5 pigmentation characteristics, regardless of where they came from. That attitude is not right, that is ugly.


In the same dynamic as above, in other places, not only in Ireland, there also emerged OFRN or RED NOSE Pit Bulls, and other bloodlines, genetic ramifications or strains of various pigmentations as important as that of the RED NOSE also emerged. I think that the genetic ramification called Old Family Red Nose (OFRN), or simply RED NOSE, only belongs to the breed itself and its fans, because are identified genes, which are part of the American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT or Pit Bull) breed dog itself, the OFRN or RED NOSE Pit Bulls not belonging to any specific place, or to any specific Pit Bull, or to any specific breeders, or to similar matters, which lead to the confusion of the fan, in some cases intentionally as I have described above.


It is interesting to know that before Dan McCoy began to name those specimens of the breed that possessed the 5 pigmentation characteristics already mentioned with the term Old Family Red Nose (OFRN) or RED NOSE, from Ireland itself, this variety of Pit Bull were already called with the term OLD FAMILY REDS, in fact, many fans of those same Pit Bulls did not even call them in any way, because they were 5 typical pigmentation characteristics that many specimens of the breed itself possessed, as I have already detailed above. The term OLD FAMILY REDS, was used to remember a group of Pit Bulls that lived around 1850 in the counties of Kerry and Cork in Ireland, which were bred by some Irish fans for the same aforementioned 5 pigmentation characteristics and in that place this dogs already became popular, since at that time quite a few specimens gathered, forming in that place a large family of Pit Bulls with the same 5 pigmentation characteristics, also due to the inbreeding between the specimens themselves, since some breeders refused to cross their dogs with others that did not have the 5 pigmentation characteristics, since being recessive genes they quickly lost the pigmentation that they liked so much if they were crossed with Pit Bulls with different pigmentation, but that does not mean that the OLD FAMILY REDS had been created in that place, or at that time, it is simply more of the same as what I have already explained above with the name of the Old family Red Nose (OFRN) or RED NOSE.


I think it is now becoming clear that the OLD FAMILY REDS did not originate with that family of Irish Pit Bulls in 1850 in the counties of Kerry and Cork, nor that Lightner, nor Dan McCoy, nor Bob Hemphill, nor Bob Wallace, nor Bob O'Neal, nor others, from 1920 onwards were the creators of the genetics of the Old Family Red Nose (OFRN) or RED NOSE, simply because they showed interested in a breeding plan for their dogs based on the 5 pigmentation characteristics, and in that same year of 1920 they called them with the term OFRN or RED NOSE, since those 5 pigmentation characteristics that their Pit Bulls presented are the essence and part of the breed itself and no one else's, it is simply that.


That variety of Pit Bull, called in 1850 as the OLD FAMILY REDS in Ireland and about 70 years later in the USA, as the Old Family Red Nose (OFRN) or RED NOSE, the COMMON DENOMINATOR of the Pit Bulls that were cataloged in that way, is found in THE PATTERN OF THE 5 PIGMENTATION CHARACTERISTICS already mentioned, regardless of whether some of its ancestors were black or another color, nor the place where they were born, nor their breeder, etc.


It is important to know that before 1898, the American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT or Pit Bull) was called by different names, depending on the country in which it was found. In Great Britain it was called the Old English Bulldog and later as the Bull and Terrier, Pit Dog and finally the Pit Bull Terrier. In America it was called in different ways, Half and Half, Yankee Terrier, Pit Terrier, American Bull Terrier, or simply Bulldog.


By TRADITION, those specimens that currently show these same 5 pigmentation characteristics, in fact, it is appropriate to continue calling them the Old Family Red Nose (OFRN) or RED NOSE dogs, an appropriate and correct way to identify a variety of Pit Bull by its pigmentation. If the traditions are appropriate and correct, I think they should be preserved, but in a clear way, without Chinese tales in between with bastard and lucrative ends.


IN CONCLUSION, the names Old Family Reds, Old Family Red Nose (OFRN) or RED NOSE, are terms to IDENTIFY a variety of Pit Bull by the COLORATION OF ITS PHENOTYPE, by ITS 5 SPECIFIC PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF PIGMENTATION already mentioned, terms, which, and as I told you in my first answer, do not make that variety of Pit Bull synonymous with CREATION, nor with PROPERTY of ANYONE, since that variety of Pit Bull OFRN or RED NOSE, ARE PROPERTY OF THE BREED ITSELF, no matter how much you or others insist on affirming the contrary to confuse and to benefit their own interests, whatever they may be.


For example, one of the best specimens bred by Henry was a black female dog called BLACK STAR, with quite a bit of genetic influence from RED TODDY, which was owned by Earl Tudor. This one covered BLACK STAR with JACK SWIFT, producing TUDOR'S “JUDGE an extraordinary result of the crosses between many of Henry's black Pit Bulls. TUDOR'S “JUDGE was the great-grandfather of HARVERY´S “RED DEVIL, and he in turn, is the father and great-grandfather at the same time of FERGUSON CENTIPEDE, the one you mentioned, both Old Family Red Nose, or RED NOSE specimens, ancestors of other later RED NOSE, such as, for example; BASS´ TRAMP “RED BOY, etc.


Here is more information about the HENRY'S DOGS and his “RED TODDY” if you want to see it:




And regarding what you tell me about TUDOR´S “DIBO, tell you that the genetic ramification of HENRY's dogs in descending scale from his OFRN or RED NOSE called HENRY´S “RED TODDY, this ancestor also of the already mentioned FERGUSON CENTIPEDE, continuing through his descendants (many of them black) HENRY´S “ BLACK CUP, HENRY´S “BLACK BRANDY, HENRY´S “PLUNGER, HENRY´S “BLACK STAR, TUDOR'S “JUDGE, TUDOR´S “BLACK JACK Jr., etc., from my point of view, I think that it is the most important genetic ramification developed by Henry in his dogs, since it was one of the genetic ramifications of the breed that contributed to giving rise precisely to the same TUDOR´S “DIBO, which, from its sixth generation onwards, has aded several times repeated a TUDOR´S “BLACK JACK Jr., TUDOR´S “BLACK JACK, which come from the HENRY's dogs.


I consider and expose all this information without any intention of taking away the merits of other breeders, which, also contributed their part to make extraordinary specimens, among them TUDOR´S “DIBO become a reality, breeders such as for example; CON FEELEY; JOHN P.H. COLBY; W.M. SHIPLEY; EARL TUDOR; W.D. SMITH; etc., etc.


Look “Mr. X”, I am not going to continue with this conversation, without wanting to convince you or anyone else, I have already made my point of view clear and you yours, now everyone can draw their own conclusions about it and obtain their own truth for themselves, simply that. As I told you, I am not going to waste my time on this any more and neither am I going to waste yours, therefore, I earnestly ask you not to write on my Facebook pages again and if at any time I have offended you, I apologize as it was not my intention.




Mariano Peinado

PS. Despite who it may bother, my RED PIT has been, is and will always be a RED NOSE, an Old Family Red Nose (OFRN) for having the 5 specific characteristics of pigmentation, which, since 1920 and currently by TRADITION, Pit Bulls are classified as OFRN or RED NOSE. But also, if we observe this issue from your erroneous perspective of the matter, my Red Pit is also a RED NOSE or an Old Family Red Nose (OFRN), as it is a descendant of dogs bred by Lightner, Henphill, Wallace, etc. and on the other hand, for also being a descendant of dogs like RED DEVIL, CENTIPEDE, etc. as can be seen by studying in ascending order its Online Pedigree, which I have already attached and I believe you did not even bother to look at it, But that, even if you don't like it, doesn't change the truth of where come from Red Pit.


GENETIC REVITALIZATION through the EFFECT of HYBRID VIGOR from the FLIP BACK between “The RED NOSE” & “The BLACKS” and viceversa: -


A example of this Secret is: “RED PIT” FIAPBT Pedigree Online:




INFORMATION (Clues) about the FLIP BACK between “The Red Nose” to “The Blacks” and back again from “The Blacks” to “The Red Nose” and vice versa in the course of the History of the breed, and that some old breeders of yesteryear did it as many times as they wanted, from the EFFECT of HYBRID VIGOR between different genetics but of the same breed dog that is generated by carrying out this effect, to REVITALIZE the essence of the specimens used, as well as to REVITALIZE the essence the breed dog itself;


Others clear examples of this Secret are:

“RED DIBO” FIAPBT Pedigree Online:

“RED KARMA” FIAPBT Pedigree Online:



The Secret of the RED NOSE Essence of the “OLD FAMILY RED NOSE" (OFRN) or “The Red Nose”:


To acquire information about the Secret of the RED NOSE Essence, when it is Purified and Evolved by going through the Essence of “The BLACKS” in a round-trip FLIP BACK as many times as the breeder knows how and wishes to do, to REVITALIZE the genetics of “The RED NOSE” specimens, that of “The BLACKS” and that of the breed dog itself, under the factor of the EFFECT of HYBRID VIGOR between different genetics, without going outside the same breed dog, in this way, preserving and improving the maximum essence of mentionated breed dog, you can see it in the following links, specifically, after the old photograph from 1899, where you can see the Pit Bull called “JANE” and the breeder Earl Tudor, when he was only 4 years old in this first link: and in:


@ The report of the “OLD FAMILY RED NOSE” (OFRN), you can see it just below the end of the report of ´BLOOD LINES? at the following link:


Make it clear, that at no time is it saying claimed to select the breed dog American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT or Pit Bull) based on the color of the animal, since thats, in the case in the Working Dog Breed Par Excellence, like is the Pit Bull and as all those who have a medium-high knowledge of the breed well know, it would be a blunder, similar to the mistake made by the rest of the breed dogs in the course of its history when were selected for physiognomy, coloration and beauty, without giving it practically any importance to Character, Work and Attitude.


The meaning of this report and as already mentioned, is that starting from good specimens of the breed dog Pit Bull and under the  EFFECT of HYBRID VIGOR between different genetics of this breed dog, there are some INDICATIVES to follow under the criteria of the experience of some breeders and indeed in this case, these types of INDICATIVES refer to the color of the coat, but it simply means that, INDICATIVES that some breeders of yesteryear took into account, it does not mean that it was a SELECTION, no, INDICATIVES, which , are unknown or forgotten today, in which some old breeders of yesteryear took it into account as a source of information, and then added that information to what they already had from other sources and thus, contrast and reinforce their final decision to SELECT their dogs in one way or another under their discretion, doing so with all the information received from all possible sources and that they knew how to decipher due to their many years of experience in breeding, in this way, to perform as best as possible function to which they wanted to entrust their animals and after all that, the best INDICATIVE to follow in the future under the criteria of their own experience, were the results obtained, it is simply that.


From the FIAPBT & IADCRO, we add ADDITIONAL INFORMATION about the breed for your information. We hope and we wish that you enjoy a lot with this information about the breed that we are offering with great pleasure. Thank you very much for your interest and trust,


Mariano Peinado

International APBT Federation (FIAPBT) & IADCRO Spain






@ Simply extraordinary Your Pit Bull has needed the same thing that you to exist today… ´Look!


@ Genetic REVITALIZATION through the EFFECT of HYBRID VIGOR from the FLIP BACK between “THE RED NOSE”, “THE BLACKS” and Viceversa; -


@ W. D. SMITH, the great unknown of the American Pit Bull Terrier, His deserved TRIBUTE -


@ Tracing the traces of Tudor's "DIBO" in the 90s, together with the master dogmam Mr. Dwight Stubbs, known as "The Old Man of the Valley". That Valley refers to the "Valley of the Sun", is the other name by which Phoenix is known in Arizona, USA, the same place where Tudor's "DIBO" was born in the yard of Reverend Howard Heinzl, on March 21, 1951. * The CRADLE of TUDOR'S “DIBO”; Tracing his tracks: - – Mr. Dwight Stubbs – The good and beautiful people FOREVER in our hearts (R.I.P.) Mr. Dwight Stubbs, one of the best Pit Bull breeders of all times, in today's memory.


@ The FRANK G. HENRY Dogs:

The authentic and genuine Pit Bull of Today, are the faithful reflection of the originals Pit Bull of Yesterday...  


@ Ramiro Morales, the introducer of "The Blacks" in Mexico. Remembering some extraordinary specimens from Mexico In Web Site:


@ The BLACKShistory:


@ The BLACKS” Video:


@ Whence comes the BLACK color to the ELI / CARVER / BOUDREAUX dogs, being that they are all Tudor's "DIBO" family and "DIBO" was buckskin color? - THE HENRY DOGS: -


@ The report of the “OLD FAMILY RED NOSE” (OFRN), you can see it just below the end of the report of ´BLOOD LINES? at the following link:


@ Unmasking to the scammers when they come to you talking to you about Tall Chinese Tales about the breed, such as, for example; The Recovery of the OFRN or RED NOSE to avoid its EXTINCTION. Or, that the American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT or Pit Bull) and the OFRN are different breeds, etc. Original Post: - -


@ A great read; The WOMAN in Pit Bull History WOMEN in the development of the American Pit Bull Terrier breed dog (APBT or Pit Bull), during its history´s course, her deserved TRIBUTE: In Facebook:


@ GENETIC of the legend to called “Maurice Carver” and TRIBUTE: -


@ About Maurice Carver and the reproduction:


@ The Maurice´s Smile


@ “The Pit Bull Beginnings in the CINEMA; By Mar Bartolomé  (FIAPBT & IADCRO) -


@ A pieze of HISTORY little-known of the American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT or Pit Bull)


@ The Pit Bull ORIGINS:


@ The Pit Bull CHARACTER: -


@ The Pit Bull and the FIGHTING DOGS: In Facebook:




@ The GENETICISTS Scientists speak Unmasking the SCAMMERS that degenerate the breed dogs:


@ ADBA in Spain:


@ PROGNATISM in the American Pit Bull Terrier, YES or NO?


@ International NEWS from the Pit Bulls World:


@ Violence, Insecurity, Fear, Worries???  Enjoy and Live Life with a Pit Bull, or two, or three... Because of its great Strength, its enormous Love and Attachment for their Family or Pack and especially because of its extreme Intelligence, Pit Bulls do not need Training to Defend its Family or Pack, since they do it Voluntarily from the as an incorruptible, noble and faithful Spartan in Defense of its loved ones. DEFENSE WORK with American Pit Bull Terrier:


(News) Coming soon; NEW BOOK titled:

“AMERICAN PIT BULL TERRIER, beyond the Legend.” By Mariano Peinado (FIAPBT, IADCRO & Villa Liberty kennels)