BUSHMEN, ´THEY LISTENED to the STARS!!! (Madrid, February 12, 2025)
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the Internet, I have had access to the information that I attach below, which I
did not know and I found quite interesting and important for two fundamental reasons, especially when
observing, that the COMMON DENOMINATOR
of the respective problems of the
the SAME!!!:
@ The first reason, has been to be able to
meet the citizens of an ancient indigenous people with the oldest ancestral
culture on the planet, which still survives with difficulty in the present day,
I am referring to the BUSHMEN, also known as "The Indigenous San People". The BUSHMEN are considered by science
and by their country's government to be the
oldest human community on the planet that still exists and endures today,
since a large sector of science claims that humanity originated in Africa and
after that, they say that the great majority of those early humans migrated to
the north and from there, they later moved on to the rest of the continents.
However, that same sector of science claims that there were some of those same
early humans who, instead of migrating to the north, did so to the south of
Africa and that it was from that group of early humans that the BUSHMEN came from. This fact was
publicly declared in 1961, when the
Government of Botswana recognized the Central Kalahari Nature Reserve as the
ancestral home of the indigenous BUSHMEN, justifying that recognition on the
basis that the BUSHMEN had already inhabited these lands for at least 20,000
the 1980s, the Botswana Government itself discovered diamond deposits on the
lands of the BUSHMEN. This fact
attracted the attention of those who pull the strings of political and military
power in the world through global capitalism, I am referring, of course, to the financial elite ZIONlST ROTHSCHlLD,
who, upon learning the news of the diamond deposits, immediately put pressure on the Botswana Government and
negotiated to facilitate their
mining companies to extract the valuable mineral, trampling on the fundamental
rights of the BUSHMEN and anyone who
did not collaborate with them in their vile and bastard purpose of developing
mining on the sacred land of the BUSHMEN.
Since 1986, the humble, peaceful and happy life of the BUSHMEN has been deliberately turned into a nightmare by the financial elite Zl0Nl$T R0TH$CHlLD
and their evil collaborators in the Botswana government, who have changed their
argument and attitude towards the
BUSHMEN overnight under bizarre excuses that no one with a minimum of
Common Sense believes, in order to force the
BUSHMEN to move or die on their land. For this reason, I immediately
observed the enormous similarity of the problem suffered by the BUSHMEN with the problem suffered
by the PALESTINIANS, as well as many other communities around the world,
since the common denominator of the serious problem suffered by all of them is
conferred by the same criminals ZIONlST
ROTHSCHlLD. I believe that Knowledge is Power. I believe that by acquiring
the knowledge and understanding of such information, by becoming AWARE of it,
we could facilitate the definitive solution that indigenous peoples and ethnic
minority peoples suffer from anywhere in the world, simply because in Unity there is Strength to win.
From the following link, you will be able to
understand the Modus Operandi and
the purpose that exercises towards
humanity this evil Financial elite
ZIONlST ROTHSCHlLD, the humanity cancer:
@ The second reason,
is that after
having learned the detailed information about the life and customs of the BUSHMEN, it has made me think,
drawing some conclusions about it, which I have not observed to be found in any
of the stories and investigations that I have carried out on the subject, for that
reason, I now wish to share these conclusions with all my good intentions with
my friends and whoever might be interested about. The information is the
following and is what accompanies the photograph in this publication:
Laurens van der
Post with
the Bushmen.
“Laurens van der Post (1906–1996) was a
South African writer, explorer, and conservationist renowned for his work on
the indigenous San people, also
known as Bushmen, of the Kalahari
Desert. In 1955, commissioned by the BBC, he led an expedition into the
Kalahari to document the lives of the San, resulting in the acclaimed six-part
documentary series “Lost World of the Kalahari” (1956).
the documentary’s success, “Laurens van
der Post authored the book “The Lost
World of the Kalahari” (1958), narrates his experience living with the Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert. He
portrayed them as harmonious inhabitants of Mother Earth, untouched by modern
civilization, an ancient people deeply connected to nature.
of the most striking stories is when the
Bushmen were surprised to discover that Van der Post could not “HEAR THE STARS”. At first they thought
he was joking or lying, but when they realized that he was telling the truth,
they were filled with sadness. For them,
not hearing the whisper of the universe is not a simple lack, but a sign of
spiritual illness: total disconnection from the natural world. But the book
goes beyond this anecdote. Van der Post reflects on how Western civilization
has lost something essential by moving away from its primitive roots. He
describes the Bushmen not as “backward”, but as guardians of a wisdom that we
have forgotten. Their ability to track animals, read the language of the land,
and live in harmony with its surroundings is a reminder that true knowledge is
not always measured in technological advances.
author also points out that, for these people, solitude does not exist as we
understand it. Nature is never a void: the wind, the earth, and the stars are
constant company. On the other hand, modern man, surrounded by noise and
technology, suffers from a deeper loneliness: that of having lost connection
with the natural world and, with it, with himself.” (Sic)
REFLECTIONS and Opinion on the
text of the previous Photograph:
right are these wise people, the Bushmen, whom I did not know and I was
delighted to learn of their existence, Thank you!
LISTENING TO THE STARS! Would it be the same
as listening to the Divinity through Inspiration resulting from MEDITATION? I think so.
the beginning of humanity there have been thousands of ancestral Cultures
connected to Mother Earth and the Universe spread throughout the world, of
which, the majority have been lost with the passing of time, but, ´Were these
ancestral Cultures really lost or was there someone who intervened to make it
happen? In my opinion I think that there was someone interested in making the
Ancestral Cultures disappear, especially for their Originality, their Knowledge
and the Wisdom they possessed, AWARENESS in short. I believe that someone dark
and sinister was and still is interested in nowadays in preventing the
Awareness expansion that the Ancestral Indigenous Tribes promoted to Humanity.
For example, today and as we can see, in remote and isolated places of the
planet, a few of these Ancestral Indigenous Tribes still survive, such as the
one we discuss in this publication, the Bushmen, deeply rooted in their ancient
land with Ancestral cultures and customs.
who believe themselves to be the world owners, directing it from their rotten
and corrupt Global Social System, the
Financial Elite ZIONlST ROTHSCHlLD and their collaborators without
Awareness, wish to hide the Ancestral Bushmen indigenous people as much as
possible from the sight of Western citizens, in this way, to be able to reduce
or eliminate them at will with as few witnesses as possible, as they are also
doing at this time in the year 2025 with the utmost subtlety with the
Palestinians, with the Rohingyas in Myanmar,
with the black people inhabitants of Sudan, etc., in this way,
NATURAL RESOURCES, since everything that this evil elite is infatuated
with, without scruples or an iota of ethics or morality, based on LIES and
dirty play, they will do everything in their power to achieve it, even if to do
so they have to trample on the fundamental rights of everyone and everything,
that is not no impediment for the elite to be able to get it. In addition, to
accelerate and achieve their sinister purposes more quickly, they cause
GEN0ClDE in the chosen place, in this way, displacing or eliminating its
original population as soon as possible, making the citizens of the rest of the
world believe through their Media, that the causes of the GEN0ClDES that the
elite causes, are due to misunderstandings between the original population
itself, or due to religious issues, or racial and ethnic issues, or by making
them look like Terrorists for defending their ancestral land that they want to
steal from them, etc., etc., thus, from the maximum subtlety, being able to
displace, or directly eliminate the original natives of the place in question,
which are the initial impediment that this
evil Financial elite ZIONlST ROTHSCHlLD has to face in order to materialize
its bastard objectives based on its New
World Order and through its Agenda
2030, especially in the section of DEPOPULATION
(Reduction of the global population in whatever way), when the reality is
that said GENOClDES are deliberately provoked by this evil elite to develop
their Agenda and in the process,
Steal the Lands, its Natural Resources and everything that is found there, as
they already did in the past with the indigenous tribes of South and North
America, the same in Australia, in South Africa, etc., etc.
with this evil Financial elite ZlONlST
ROTHSCHlLD and its evil collaborators in Politics, Religion, Science and
Economics, the 1% of the world's population, we find a sector of citizens
of this our global society, which, also collaborate with the elite to the
detriment of the rest of the citizens, some do so unconsciously and others consciously,
since instead of striving to achieve their Freedom by betting on the Truth, on
pure Ignorance and the Indoctrination to which they have been subjected since
childhood, they are not able to see beyond and they defend tooth and nail their
system of slavery and prison imposed with the maximum subtlety by this sinister
elite, the ZlONlST ROTHSCHlLD family. On the other hand,
we also find another sector of citizens of the global society, who, not because
of pure Ignorance or Indoctrination like the previous ones, but because of Egoism and the Lack in their
Being of the Universal Values of the Person, especially the lack
of Love, the lack of Empathy, the lack of Honesty and TRUTH, being well
accommodated within the current Rotten and Corrupt Social System of the Financial Elite ZlONlST ROTHSCHlLD,
because they are Egoists and Cowards,
they also defend tooth and nail their system of slavery and prison imposed for
centuries by this evil family, preferring to secure a few crumbs rather than
help others and themselves, in this way, to be able to one day enjoy their own FREEDOM...
means of half-truths, which, are worse than complete lies because they contain
part of truth, by means of distortion, concealment, confusion, sowing ignorance
among the global population with Deception, Fear and Social Manipulation
developed by their ill-intentioned social engineering MK Ultra, etc., the Financial Elite ZlONlST ROTHSCHlLD
with the help of its collaborators without Awareness, is currently trying to
push forward its New World Order in
the year 2025 to the detriment of humanity, developing step by step, slowly but
surely their sinister Agenda 2030,
and to try to achieve this, for example, they are forced to eliminate in a very
subtle way and in various ways the trace of the BUSHMEN, among other Ancestral Cultures that still barely
survive today, thus being able to hide from the eyes of the citizens of the
supposed modern civilization, any trace of the Originality that the Human Being
possessed since ancient times as part of the Universe and of the Divinity that
is, lest the citizens of today realize how very powerful they are and show
interest in RECOVERING their Divine essence, and this circumstance causes the
aforementioned evil elite to lose global Control of the planet.
The BUSHMEN and others like them
are presented as the retarded of the current “modern” civilization by those who
pull the strings of the “modern and advanced” civilization. They do so in a
derogatory manner, laughing at them in order to ridicule them, to eliminate the
credibility of their ancestral wisdom into the eyes of those “modern” people
who could give them credibility. I think that the Bushmen are much more
advanced than the majority of citizens of any of the supposedly “modern”
countries, since having this connection with the Divine NORMALIZED in their
daily lives makes them more advanced in the most important thing, in the most
primordial thing that any good people could come to propose, in their PURPOSE OF LIFE. The majority of people
who live in supposedly “modern” countries, when they die, did not manage to
find their PURPOSE OF LIFE, many of them did not even think about it. The
Bushmen, on the other hand, reach the point of feeling surprise and pity when
they understand that someone does not have that Feeling, that Knowledge, as
happened with the writer of the book Laurens Van Der Post, who was living with
them, a citizen supposedly much more advanced and intelligent than the Bushmen
and did not understand something so simple, but so important at the same time
for the Bushmen, as it should be for any person, something as important as the
Connection with what unites us to Mother Earth, to the Universe, to God or
whatever we want to call it. I think that We Are All One, we are all part of the
same Organism, all united forming the Existential Uniqueness, all united
forming the Universe, all united forming the Original Source, all united
forming God or whatever we want to call it.
the Bushmen refer to LISTENING TO THE
STARS, I interpret it as they are saying listening to the Original Source,
the Universal Mother, the Heavenly Father, the Transcendental Awareness, the
Supra Awareness, the Existential Uniqueness, God or whatever you want to call
it, since all these denominations come to mean the same thing. I think that
when the Bushmen talk about LISTENING TO THE STARS, it is because they stay
staring at them for a certain time in the firmament, focusing their minds
solely and exclusively on that, on looking at the stars, this in “modern and
advanced” countries would be called MEDITATION.
Laurens van der
Post with
the Bushmen.
knowing them, I think and feel that the Bushmen are very right in their way of
perceiving and feeling things, especially in relation to LISTENING TO THE STARS. I perceive this as a full-fledged
MEDITATION. I say this from my own experience. Furthermore, Metaphysical
Science and Quantum Physics also support it. When oneself Meditates, in
whatever way (there are endless meditation methods), it is a way of LISTENING
to God or whatever you want to call Him, since at a certain time of the
Meditation, information or messages come to you through inspiration as a result
of the Meditation and I think that it is precisely at that point that the
Bushmen define it as LISTENING TO THE
STARS, which is the communication of
the Divine with the Bushman or with the person who is LISTENING through
last refers to the spiritual MEDITATION
tool to be able to LISTEN to the
Universe, to God, to the Bushmen STARS or whatever you want to call it. To SPEAK to the Universe, to God, to the
Bushmen STARS or whatever you want to call it, we have the Prayer tool, to SPEAK directly to Him /
Her, listening and understanding yourself what you are telling Him / Her with your Word from your 5th
Chakra (Throat) to avoid the monologue and for the Communication with the Divine to flow.
are thousands of concepts, which can be called in thousands of ways, all of
which are the same thing. Everything depends on the culture, language, region,
time, etc. of each person, for this reason, there are issues that seem so
difficult to understand, but then that are not so difficult. For example, we
have already observed the many ways of naming God. Another example would be the
many ways of naming the Divine Spark, the Ether, the Mana, the Radiant Energy
(Tesla), the Ki, the Chi, Vital Energy, Prana, etc. Another clear example about
this is the many ways of MEDITATING, which, one and the other, in the end lead
you to the same destination if you have the adequate Knowledge and make good
use of this tool of Meditation. In my case, to meditate I usually use the
Meditation known as Vipasana. In a quiet place, without noise, sitting on the
floor or in bed, in the lotus position, but comfortable, I concentrate on
listening to my breathing, inhaling and exhaling. Then, after a few minutes, I
visualize to me sitting on the seashore. I fused the sound of my breathing with
the sea waves and in this way, in complete inner and outer peace, to be there
as long as it flows. I do not control the meditation by a scheduled time, I let
the time I am meditating flow naturally, I can be meditating for 20 minutes or
an hour. With the passage of time and already in a more advanced meditation,
after having carried out the steps of the Meditation mentioned above, I add a
simultaneous observation to my visualization, I mean, when I visualize to me
sitting on the seashore with the sound of my breathing fused with the sounds
made by the coming and going of the waves, I add a visualization of my inner
universe and also of the outer universe, uniting what is above with what is
below, uniting the Macro with the Micro universe that is inside me or as they
usually say, uniting heaven with earth.
My body, visualized sitting on the shore of the beach listening to the fused
sound of the waves of the sea and my breathing, being the meeting point between above and below, being in balance, being
in the middle point in complete inner and outer peace, flowing in Love, Peace,
Beauty, Harmony, Truth and Light, LISTENING to the sea, to Mother Earth, to the
Universe, to the Original Source, to God or whatever you want to call it and
yes, also LISTENING to the Bushmen STARS ❤
dawn or sunset and when possible, I also like to do another type of Meditation,
which is known as the Sun Meditation or
SUNGAZING. Consists of looking at the Sun when it is very close to Mother
Earth, in this way, the intensity of its rays is low and does not harm the
eyes, being able to acquire its many benefits without risk. I recommend
informing yourself very well before beginning this type of Meditation so as not
to hurt your eyes, it should be done very slowly, on Google on the Internet
they have a lot of information regarding how to properly perform this wonderful
Meditation and its benefits.
I Meditate, I feel like the Bushmen
describe it when they LISTENED TO
THEIR STARS, flowing in connection with Mother Earth, with the Original
Source, with the Universal Source, with the Divine, with God or whatever you
want to call it, each one, doing their meditation in their own way and in their
own style, the path or the way of doing the Meditation is the least important,
the important thing is to make the path and enjoy it with good intention. It is
similar to the flow of water that the various rivers carry, starting from the
origen source spring and after a long journey, that flow of water always
reaches the sea, all those waters converge by different paths, each one in its
own way and in its own style depending on the different geographical points
they have to travel, all of them do not stop being their own Truth.
wishes to delve into the investigation of his inner universe, I believe that he
should first find his own style, his own way of Meditating or his own way of
doing anything, whatever it may be, with Originality, with Creativity, with
Criteria, with Common Sense, with Coherence in what he thinks, in what he
speaks, in what he feels and in what he does, being himself, just as the Great
Spiritual Masters in the history of humanity did, each one had his own style
and his own way of doing things, all them after a long and hard journey in
their lives, in the end they flowed into the same sea like the waters of the
rivers, converging with the same message, preaching it by word and example. I
mean, there is nobody with the same DNA as another person, we are all unique in
essence, what is useful to one may not be useful to another, although it yes
can provide clues to find your own meaning and then be able to better elaborate
your own path, in this way, find and develop your LIFE PURPOSE, which, sooner or later, in one way or another, is always aimed at the benefit of oneself
and of everyone at the same time, to the benefit of the Knowledge Expansion
(Consciousness) and the Awareness Expansion ❤
these different ways of Meditating, I have identified a lot with what I have
read that the Bushmen did when they looked at their stars, that is the reason
that has motivated me to write these words with all my good intention, to offer
my opinion on the matter and without the intention of wanting to convince
anyone of absolutely anything, only with the intention of contributing and
helping, it may be that someone depressed by the confusion generated
deliberately by the elite reads it and becomes interested when discovering that
he is not the only one whom happen these things, that he is not alone and
perhaps these words will help him learn to meditate and to know the Benefits of
Meditation for himself, and therefore, to find even the Meaning or Purpose of
his life through the many Benefits that one acquires by practicing Meditation
type of information does not appear in the traditional media, I consider that
since it is something so important, I think that it should be reported more, even
starting from schools at a young age, but knowing who the owners of those same
media are and the elite that they are serving, it is not surprising that they
do not do it.
adecuate KNOWLEDGE, will be the ZIONlSM
end, the
humanity Cancer. ZIONlSM Chronology: It
didn't start on october 7, 2023, no...
Mariano Peinado
APBT Federation (FIAPBT) & IADCRO Spain – –
knowing and assimilating the Knowledge offered by the 7 Universal Laws of Hermes Trismegistus, one can come to understand
matters which, without this Knowledge, would be impossible to understand.
the Knowledge that comes from within is the True Knowledge.” (Socrates)
No, don't do it, it could be dangerous, almost
nobody does…
meditate, you might find peace of mind.
practice Yoga, you might awaken Kundalini energy.
Don't pay
attention to nature, you might find out the truth.
Don't eat
vegetables, you might cleanse your body.
exercise, you might feel vitality.
dance, you might experience happiness.
Don't look
inside, you might find yourself
Don't make
art, you might free your soul.
observe yourself, you might realize your problems.
Don't love
others, you might find treasures.
Don't stop
judging, you might realize that We Are All One.
Don't do
anything, it would be crazy to realize that you are a being with unimaginable
power and light...
BABA NAM KEVALAM. Powerful Mantra
meaning, "Love is the essence of all things". Video: