GENETIC REVITALIZATION through the EFFECT of HYBRID VIGOR from the FLIP BACK between “The RED NOSE” & “The BLACKS” and viceversa. (By Mariano Peinado. Madrid, march 5, 2024)

En ESPAÑOL aquí: https://www.fiapbt.net/RevitalizacionGenetica.html

In Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=387715733897308




My friend Willie ASK me:

“Mariano can you give me a little light on the RED PIT dogs. All the dogs I’ve gotten from you are all very smart very athletic and just seem to understand what you ask of them. Are the Red Pit dogs different in anyway from the more pure genetic of the Maurice Carver dogs?” (Sic)


ANSWER to Willie:

No Willie, the Red Nose descendants of Red Pit are not different, only because of the coloration, they are very similar dogs in all aspects to the Carver Blacks, since Red Pit has 75% of Carver's dogs in its genetics, He is almost pure Carver and, furthermore, Red Pit's parents were dogs from "The Blacks", ARNOLD” X “LADY”


The secret of a few ancient breeders, already forgotten today, was that if you had a good pair of Blacks and you got some Red Nose from there, you would not let it leave from your yard for anything in the world and that you would use it as a Reproducer, since that this combination is a forgotten genetic treasure in modern times and with my experience, for example, during the years of breeding using these combinations, have observed its effectiveness in effectively revitalizing the genetics of dogs but not only physically, no, also their intelligence. and skills to better develop their various jobs, whatever they may be. Since we are already making this old secret known to fans around the world, I think that in a short time we will be able to clearly observe the good results of the specimens that any breeder puts into practice with this ancient breeding method that we are making known and that makes me happy, to understand that in this way the breed itself benefits.


A big hug my friend,


Mariano Peinado


                                  RED PIT” FIAPBT Pedigree Online:





@ INFORMATION (Clues) about the FLIP BACK between “The Red Nose” to “The Blacks and back again from “The Blacks to “The Red Nose and vice versa in the course of the History of the breed, and that some old breeders of yesteryear did it as many times as they wanted, from the EFFECT of HYBRID VIGOR between different genetics but of the same breed dog that is generated by carrying out this effect, to REVITALIZE the essence of the specimens used, as well as to REVITALIZE the essence the breed dog itself; https://www.fiapbt.net/henry..html



The Secret of the RED NOSE Essence of the “OLD FAMILY RED NOSE" (OFRN) or “The Red Nose”: https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/photos/a.451449941132/10160358970771133


To acquire information about the Secret of the RED NOSE Essence, when it is Purified and Evolved by going through the Essence of “The BLACKS” in a round-trip FLIP BACK as many times as the breeder knows how and wishes to do, to REVITALIZE the genetics of “The RED NOSE” specimens, that of “The BLACKS” and that of the breed dog itself, under the factor of the EFFECT of HYBRID VIGOR between different genetics, without going outside the same breed dog, in this way, preserving and improving the maximum essence of mentionated breed dog, you can see it in the following links, specifically, after the old photograph from 1899, where you can see the Pit Bull called “JANE” and the breeder Earl Tudor, when he was only 4 years old in this first link: https://www.fiapbt.net/black.html and in: https://www.fiapbt.net/henry..html


Clear examples of this Secret are:

RED PIT” FIAPBT Pedigree Online: http://www.fiapbtpedigree.com/imprimir_ficha.php?idm=en&criterio=80447

“RED DIBO” FIAPBT Pedigree Online: http://www.fiapbtpedigree.com/imprimir_ficha.php?idm=en&criterio=37954

“RED KARMA” FIAPBT Pedigree Online: http://www.fiapbtpedigree.com/imprimir_ficha.php?idm=en&criterio=327022


@ The report of the “OLD FAMILY RED NOSE” (OFRN), you can see it just below the end of the report of ´BLOOD LINES? at the following link: https://www.fiapbt.net/ingles17.html


@ The FRANK G. HENRY  Dogs: https://www.fiapbt.net/henry..html


Make it clear, that at no time is it saying claimed to select the breed dog American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT or Pit Bull) based on the color of the animal, since thats, in the case in the Working Dog Breed Par Excellence, like is the Pit Bull and as all those who have a medium-high knowledge of the breed well know, it would be a blunder, similar to the mistake made by the rest of the breed dogs in the course of its history when were selected for physiognomy, coloration and beauty, without giving it practically any importance to Character, Work and Attitude.




The meaning of this report and as already mentioned, is that starting from good specimens of the breed dog Pit Bull and under the EFFECT of HYBRID VIGOR between different genetics of this breed dog, there are some INDICATIVES to follow under the criteria of the experience of some breeders and indeed in this case, these types of INDICATIVES refer to the color of the coat, but it simply means that, INDICATIVES that some breeders of yesteryear took into account, it does not mean that it was a SELECTION, no, INDICATIVES, which , are unknown or forgotten today, in which some old breeders of yesteryear took it into account as a source of information, and then added that information to what they already had from other sources and thus, contrast and reinforce their final decision to SELECT their dogs in one way or another under their discretion, doing so with all the information received from all possible sources and that they knew how to decipher due to their many years of experience in breeding, in this way, to perform as best as possible function to which they wanted to entrust their animals and after all that, the best INDICATIVE to follow in the future under the criteria of their own experience, were the results obtained, it is simply that.


The American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT or Pit Bull) called Old Family Reds, Old Family Red Nose (OFRN) or simply its abbreviation as "RED NOSE", were not created by any breeder but by the breed itself, since the Pit Bull "RED NOSE" are an intrinsic part of the breed since its origins hundreds of years ago, neither Lightner, nor Hemphill, nor McCoy, nor Wallace, nor O'Neal, nor Trahan, nor absolutely ANYONE, were the creators of "The RED NOSE" as some would have the hobbyists believe. The aforementioned breeders did indeed bred several "RED NOSE" Pit Bulls because they liked that coloration and they also bred Pit Bulls of other colors not only "RED NOSE", because above all they loved the breed. The names Old Family Reds, Old Family Red Nose (OFRN) or Red Nose, are terms created over the last few years to identify a specific group of Pit Bulls by their 5 specific physical characteristics of pigmentation, terms which are not synonymous of CREATION, nor PROPERTY of ANYONE, however much some people insist on claiming the opposite in order to confuse newcomers to the breed and benefit their own interests with tall tales. Do your own research, do not be fooled so easilyhttps://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=500726719262875&set=a.155145083821042


From the FIAPBT & IADCRO, we add ADDITIONAL INFORMATION about the breed for your information. We hope and we wish that you enjoy a lot with this information about the breed that we are offering with great pleasure. Thank you very much for your interest and trust,


Mariano Peinado




ADDITIONAL INFORMATION of the breed: https://www.villaliberty.org/information.html




@ Simply extraordinary Your Pit Bull has needed the same thing that you to exist today… ´Look! https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=458553610146853&set=a.155145083821042


@ Genetic REVITALIZATION through the EFFECT of HYBRID VIGOR from the FLIP BACK between “THE RED NOSE”, “THE BLACKS” and Viceversa; https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=387715733897308&set=a.155145083821042


@ W. D. SMITH, the great unknown of the American Pit Bull Terrier, His deserved TRIBUTE https://www.fiapbt.net/tributesmith.html - https://www.fiapbt.net/historiadibo.html


@ Tracing the traces of Tudor's "DIBO" in the 90s, together with the master dogmam Mr. Dwight Stubbs, known as "The Old Man of the Valley". That Valley refers to the "Valley of the Sun", is the other name by which Phoenix is known in Arizona, USA, the same place where Tudor's "DIBO" was born in the yard of Reverend Howard Heinzl, on March 21, 1951. * The CRADLE of TUDOR'S “DIBO”; Tracing his tracks: https://www.fiapbt.net/tributemrstubbs.htm - https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=259878060014410&set=a.155145083821042 – Mr. Dwight Stubbs – The good and beautiful people FOREVER in our hearts (R.I.P.) Mr. Dwight Stubbs, one of the best Pit Bull breeders of all times, in today's memory.


@ The FRANK G. HENRY Dogs: https://www.fiapbt.net/henry..html

The authentic and genuine Pit Bull of Today, are the faithful reflection of the originals Pit Bull of Yesterday...  


@ Ramiro Morales, the introducer of "The Blacks" in Mexico. Remembering some extraordinary specimens from Mexico  https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=236296132372603&set=a.155145083821042 In Web Site: https://www.fiapbt.net/morales.html


@ The BLACKShistory: https://www.villaliberty.org/theblacks.html


@ The BLACKS” Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dy6rbeenLIs&t=0s


@ Whence comes the BLACK color to the ELI / CARVER / BOUDREAUX dogs, being that they are all Tudor's "DIBO" family and "DIBO" was buckskin color? - THE HENRY DOGS: https://www.fiapbt.net/black.html - https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/photos/a.451449941132/10161031328231133


@ The report of the “OLD FAMILY RED NOSE” (OFRN), you can see it just below the end of the report of ´BLOOD LINES? at the following link: https://www.fiapbt.net/ingles17.html


@ Unmasking to the scammers when they come to you talking to you about Tall Chinese Tales about the breed, such as, for example; The Recovery of the OFRN or RED NOSE to avoid its EXTINCTION. Or, that the American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT or Pit Bull) and the OFRN are different breeds, etc. Original Post: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=521079700560910&set=a.155145083821042 - https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=500726719262875&set=a.155145083821042


@ A great read; The WOMAN in Pit Bull History WOMEN in the development of the American Pit Bull Terrier breed dog (APBT or Pit Bull), during its history´s course, her deserved TRIBUTE: https://www.fiapbt.net/woman.html In Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/photos/a.451449941132/10160906824551133


@ GENETIC of the legend to calledMaurice Carver” and TRIBUTE: https://www.villaliberty.org/legend.html - https://www.fiapbt.net/museumcarver.html


@ About Maurice Carver and the reproduction: https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=393572503311631&set=a.155145083821042


@ The Maurice´s Smile https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/photos/a.451449941132/10161156206056133


@ “The Pit Bull Beginnings in the CINEMA; By Mar Bartolomé  (FIAPBT & IADCRO) http://www.fiapbt.net/pitbullcine2.html - https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/photos/a.451449941132/10158212086141133/?type=3&theater


@ A pieze of HISTORY little-known of the American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT or Pit Bull) https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=398961652772716&set=a.155145083821042


@ The Pit Bull ORIGINS: https://www.fiapbt.net/origins.html


@ The Pit Bull CHARACTER: https://www.fiapbt.net/character.html - https://www.fiapbt.net/fotosbuenas.html


@ The Pit Bull and the FIGHTING DOGS: https://www.fiapbt.net/fights.html In Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=292914153377467&set=a.155145083821042


@ ADBA DEPARTAMENT of DNA: https://www.fiapbt.net/dnapitbull.html


@ The GENETICISTS Scientists speak Unmasking the SCAMMERS that degenerate the breed dogs: https://www.fiapbt.net/dna.html


@ ADBA in Spain: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=370739465594935


@ PROGNATISM in the American Pit Bull Terrier, YES or NO? https://www.fiapbt.net/typesofbite.html


@ International NEWS from the Pit Bulls World: https://www.fiapbt.net/pitbullnews.html


@ Violence, Insecurity, Fear, Worries???  Enjoy and Live Life with a Pit Bull, or two, or three... Because of its great Strength, its enormous Love and Attachment for their Family or Pack and especially because of its extreme Intelligence, Pit Bulls do not need Training to Defend its Family or Pack, since they do it Voluntarily from the as an incorruptible, noble and faithful Spartan in Defense of its loved ones. DEFENSE WORK with American Pit Bull Terrier: https://www.fiapbt.net/defense.html


(News) Coming soon; NEW BOOK titled:

“AMERICAN PIT BULL TERRIER, beyond the Legend.” By Mariano Peinado (FIAPBT, IADCRO & Villa Liberty kennels)