The reason why some people think that the American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT or Pit Bull) is not a breed dog recognized, simply occurred by their ignorance about the existence of a sham implanted by some supposed "professionals" in the canine theme.

The creators of this farce, they get hurt the image of the APBT and consequently therefore beneficially affect the sale of the breeds that they breed, at least that's the intention.

How greater number of people believe that the APBT is a breed not recognized, more sales of dogs will have these bad people, who do not care the least play dirty and lying to the detriment of the animals, provided be benefited.

Those who run the Canine Society in our country, like those running other Canines Society in other countries, which are private companies disguised as non-profit associations, are directly involved in this travesty against the APBT.




The people that declare the APBT like is not a recognized breed dog, never are asked why reason. When someone makes that question, they just answer that it is not recognized like a breed dog, because the federation cynologique international (fci) or the american kennel club (akc) they have not the APBT inside of its lists of breeds dogs.


To clarify this fallacy, we have to inform that in the world there almost 600 breeds dogs and nobody questions that it not be breed dogs recognized. The fci includes 339 breeds dogs in its breed dogs list, the same in the akc. This breeds are the ones they can control from an economical point of view through theirs pedigrees, they issue and litter procedures, expositions and different jobs done, all of them highly remunerated of course. Almost half of the existing breeds dogs are not included in their lists, among them the American Pit Bull Terrier.


Both the fci and akc do not include APBT in their lists because they cannot even control 25% of their activities, like other centenary organizations like the ADBA are doing, with APBT expositions, sporting and man rescue events, with its official  pedigree of international scope.


That is the reason why the fci and akc are not interested in including APBT in their lists of breeds dogs, so they can discredit the APBT’s image and dignity. These tricks enables them to favour those breeds dogs inside of its breed dogs list, in bad way for the APBT.


This fallacy is one of the main reasons why APBT is suffering today such legal persecution in different countries. The canine advisors in the governments are placed by the fci and akc or by persons related to these organizations.


When a government requires advice related to bite incidents, it becomes an opportunity for these kinds of people to get rid of their main competitor, the APBT. There is no doubt about this fact.


Persons required for the advising in the canine subject, twist the words by telling half-truths or even lying shamelessly if is necessary, to achieve their purpose which is no other than exterminating the good and noble APBT wherever it is.


Fci is a private company that developed their first pedigrees around 1930. Thus both the fci and akc will only include in their lists those breeds dogs that they are able to control 100%.


The fci and the akc are not the only organizations worldwide to include breeds dogs in their lists. There are plenty of other organizations, which also include breeds dogs in their lists, that do the same work or even better.


Neither the fci, the akc, nor any other private company related to the canine breeds are competent to state the non-recognition of a canine breed. This should be the competence of the Agriculture Minister of the different countries. Particularly in Spain, Belgium, etc. the Agriculture, Food and Fisheries Ministry has recognised the American Pit Bull Terrier like many other breeds dogs.


The fact that the fci and the akc do not include the American Pit Bull Terrier in their lists of breed dogs, does not mean that the American Pit Bull Terrier is not a breed dog. As it has been said already, the fci and the akc are highly interested in making confusion towards politicians and citizens so that their purpose described before can be eventually achieved.


Thank to God, and appealing to the sense of “Justice” and “Dignity”, nowadays this fallacy is being uncovered. As a result of it some countries are lifting the ban on the laws against the APBT. These laws have not lead to any decrease in bite incidents. Furthermore, they admit the advising received in the past by people related to the fci and the akc was completely unfortunate. We can find the most recent case in Holland where the Law BSL has been rectified.

http://www.odt.co.nz/news/politics/9526/breeders-question-use-dog-ban-after-failure-netherlands To rectify is of wise people.


Also we must inform, that the International APBT Federation (FIAPBT) is against which the fci and akc get in their lists to the APBT, because this would entail in not many years to a degeneration of the breed, because the policy of the fci and the akc like private companies that are, is the operation of the dogs and to make money with the breed dogs that have in their lists, without so worrying their development to them like breeds in themselves, no worries to them to conserve the values that not yet have lost over the years. By this question, the different breed dogs that the fci and the akc have inside of their lists today have many genetic and character defects, to only foment to his breeders selecting in his respective breeding exemplary of beautiful appearance, for this way win the greater possible number of exhibitions of beauty, without worrying to them in minimum most essential in the breeding, the good physical and psychic health.


The Original APBT

                            The Original APBT


AMERICAN DOG BREEDERS ASSOCIATION (A.D.B.A.) http://www.adbadog.com/p_home.asp

             Mariano Peinado

                                              FIAPBT & IADCRO




The American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT or Pit Bull) is a pure breed dog, whose components, have common characteristics that distinguish them from others of their kind and are genetically inherited.


The definition of Mr. Pr Triquet about what is a breed dog, is precisely and exactly the same that the above, defining the American Pit Bull Terrier like a breed dog. The curious of this thing, is that some associations and federations around the world in their schedules to accommodate some breeds, such as the fci (fci), adopted in 1984 the definition of Mr. Pr Triquet to define the meaning of a breed dog.


Some ignorant people or anti APBT, say that the APBT is not a breed dog because is selected by its function and not by its standard and that the selection for its official standard, is which would determined like breed dog.


This "Affirmation" is easily answered to understand that indeed the American Pit Bull Terrier itself is a breed dog and also one breed dog of the oldest and purest in the world in present times, which many breed dogs descended of it in nowadays, which today no one dares to question its purity like breeds dogs.


To the APBT is selected for their official International Standard under the guidelines of the American Dog Breeders Association (ADBA) and furthermore, also is selected by its function to perform various types of work and sports. Given the great versatility and versatility of this breed dog, they are able to perform any kind of work performed of other breeds dogs and also is able to overcome it and improve it. For this reason, the APBT is the Breed Dog of Work for Excellence, surpassing in this subject to other breeds dogs. The Official standard of the APBT, is more studied and tested for that the APBT that are within of it, are very well endowed in terms of mental and physical functioning to develop the work, for very hard that will be the circumstances for its development.


Those people who bring out their disinformation in this regard , I must to mention them, that the APBT of course is a pure breed dog, since having its International Official standard, the Official International Pedigree and International Official Organizations that support 100% the APBT like a pure breed dog, for example, the UNITED KENNEL CLUB (UKC ) in 1898 , the INTERCONTINENTAL KENNEL CLUB ( IKC ) since 1976, the INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF APBT ( FIAPBT ) from 1985 and especially  the AMERICAN DOG BREEDERS ASSOCIATION (ADBA) since 1909 it is making that the American Pit Bull Terrier will be a pure breed dog itself, be see it where you look, which is much older and purer than most dog breeds we know today.


As an example, say that in the case of Belgium (founding member of the European Union), his book Origins of Canine Breeds ignores the fci or the akc and this book Origins of Canine Breeds of Belgium, has received and recognized to the American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT) like pure breed dog, but only for those individuals who possess the Official pedigree of the American Dog Breeders Association (ADBA), Canina Mother to International scope of this breed dog.


                                                          The APBT OFFICIAL PEDIGREE http://www.fiapbt.net/officialpedigree.html


The American Dog Breeders Association (ADBA), is the Canine Mother to International scope of the breed dog American Pit Bull Terrier.

                       ADBA http://www.adbadog.com/image.asp?w=160&h=160&mode=crop&i=graphics/Background%20logo.jpg Fhone: USA - 801-936-7513   e-mail: BSTOFSHW@ADBA.CC


THE AMERICAN PIT BULL TERRIER ORIGINS: http://www.fiapbt.net/origins.html  


AMERICAN PIT BULL TERRIER WITH PEDIGREE ¿YES OR NO?: www.fiapbt.net/pedigreeyes.html



There some people that says that the APBT is not a breed dog, because is selected by his function and not by his standard and that the selection by his Official standard, is what it would determine to the APBT like breed dog.


The absolute truth does not have nobody, but this commentary has easy answer to understand that indeed the American Pit Bull Terrier yes is a breed dog and besides oldest and pure than exists in nowadays, from her descend other quite popular breed dogs nowadays, in which at present time nobody dares to put in doubt which they are not pure breed dogs.

To the APBT is selected by his International official standard, under the directives of the ADBA and in addition, also the APBT is selected by his function to realise several types of work and sports, for his great versatility are able to realise any class of work that realise the other breed dogs and in addition is enabled to surpass and to improve it. By this same the APBT is the Breed Dog of Work for Excellence, surpassing by much in this sense to the other breed dogs. The Official standard of the APBT, is more studied and verified so that the APBT that are within, are very well equipped physical functionality to develop the work which it is, by very hard that is the circumstances.

Those that put in evidence their disinformation, I must indicate to them that the APBT yes it is a pure breed dog, since having his International Official standard, his International Official Pedigree and International Official Organisms which they endorse to the 100% to the APBT like pure breed dog, like for example; UNITED KENNEL CLUB (UKC) since 1898, INTERCONTINENTAL KENNEL CLUB since 1976, the INTERNATIONAL APBT FEDERATION (FIAPBT) since 1985 and especially the AMERICAN DOG BREEDERS ASSOCIATION (ADBA) (International Canine Mother of the APBT) since 1909, it is what does that the American Pit Bull Terrier although it hurts to some people, is a pure breed dog in all sense and older and pure than the majority of the breed dogs that we know at the present time.

These anti APBT also justify their affirmation, of which the APBT is not a breed dog, by the mere do of which to some units of APBT not were used to work and yes for fight with other dogs of his same breed. A thing does not have to do with the other, so that if we took it to like a justification not to consider to the APBT like a breed dog, we could not affirm that the APBT is not a breed dog for the simple reason, that the immense majority of the APBT never fought and passed through the anonymity carrying out daily works that to them their owners entrusted.

By this same rule of three, we would not to consider breed dogs to all those breed dogs that also made fight, like for example: to the American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Sharpei, Dogo Argentine, Presa Canary, Tosa Inu and an endless of breed dogs that also were used for these illegal aims nowadays. The simple one is a great barbarism to contemplate this hypothesis, the one of not recognizing like breed dogs those breeds that were used some of their components for the fights between dogs. In my opinion, who has boldness to affirm that they are not breed dogs, those breeds that were used some of their components for the fights of dogs, are not making another thing that to dynamite the foundations of his own breeds.

Is not of justice, that there people that wants to make believe to the Governmental Institutions, that to all the APBT were selected only for the fights of dogs and that only be given this “utility”, for this way if they prick the hook, being able to damage and harming this wonderful and noble breed dog. The governors of some countries, have prohibited to the APBT for believe very much lies and calumnies of some "Experts" of breeds.

The fights of dogs like a “supposed hobby” for somebody, were clearly registered in several books, daily magazines of that time, registries, etc., etc. and works (Greater hunting, mining dogs extracting the coal in carts on rails, dogs to exterminate plagues of rats, dogs of the butchers, etc. etc.) logically no.

This last one, is similar to which it happens with a sportsman and a worker of the human species; The work of the football player alias “Pele”, by hundreds of years that pass, will be always remembered by the notes of history, like one of the best football players of all times. Nevertheless, the best carpenter of the same time of “Pele”, nowadays nobody remember him and much less pass hundreds of years by not to have been clear their work in any registry, book, magazines, etc., etc. but that do not mean, that carpenter had the same or better level working the wood that “Pele” playing soccer.

Returning to the selection of the APBT, is possible to emphasize that the standard of the APBT is somewhat more flexible than the other breed dogs, but having his limits very marked as far as weight, height, proportions and angulations, among others physical aspects. So why this flexibility of the standard of the APBT, be due simply and by the different selections on the part of the breeders, since depending the type of work to which one goes away to him to entrust the future to APBT, it would be selected to him with one or the other appearance, but respecting the breeders the Official standard, being ALWAYS within it.

The fights of dogs, are part of the history of our breed dog to consider and I do not deny it, but we understand that belongs to the pass times and in the present times these practice already no longer have capacity for the breed nor for his fans.

In order to guarantee the future of the American Pit Bull Terrier, in view of the negative present circumstances around, is good thing to understand and to be informed of his past time. Some of these anti APBT, do not know or rather they do not want to know, that this breed dog, the APBT, began to originate 500 years ago with the intention of later realising all type of works for benefit of the society and up to 330 or 340 years, is when was introduced to some of his components for fights between dogs.

Then, Why as much eagerness to affirm that the APBT were created to fight and only for that activity? This is very easy to understand, so by this way, lying, they will have easier to secure to the destruction and therefore the extinction of the APBT, leaving them to them the open doors and without competition for to sell better the breed dogs than they breed, The reason? The money.

This type of people, cannot nor wants to accept the great qualities and virtues that our breed dog owns and that the APBT, are those that gave origin to their respective breeds, the breeds that they are enjoying nowadays. Thankful they would have to be to the American Pit Bull Terrier.





For more details on this subject, you can visit the section of work with the American Pit Bull Terrier of the page of the Federation.


The American Pit Bull Terrier Online Pedigree is a study or informative mode, it is not the Official Pedigree.                  Caution with the swindlers!!!

    F    I    A    P    B    T

  FIAPBT http://www.fiapbt.net/index_archivos/image004.gif FIAPBT



                    Banner FIAPBT PEDIGREE

                                       FIAPBT Pedigree  www.fiapbtpedigree.com

In this FIAPBT GENEALOGICAL SECTION REGISTRY OF SECURITY called FIAPBT Pedigree, you will be able; To study the different ramifications genetic of this wonderful and the noble breed dog, the American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT); To see APBT historical pictures never seen previously in publish; To help to fight the criminalization that the BSL realises; To create easily the pedigree online of your dog or the litters that you have; etc.

In order to be able to enjoy these services, simply you must to register through www.fiapbtpedigree.com with the option the Spanish and English language. This new FIAPBT GENEALOGICAL SECTION REGISTRY OF SECURITY, the FIAPBT Pedigree, will be in continuous development by the FIAPBT, for its constant improvement.

So that you can have an example in view, and go away familiarizing with the data base of the FIAPBT, we showed you the link of CH “PATCHES”:

Villa Liberty´s CH “Patches”  http://www.fiapbtpedigree.com/imprimir_ficha.php?idm=en&criterio=50879 (in english) 

Villa Liberty´s CH “Patches”  http://www.fiapbtpedigree.com/imprimir_ficha.php?idm=es&criterio=50879 (in spanish)




In order to see the FIAPBT Pedigree Online, you doing clic in the photo or in the dogs names.

In order to see the FIAPBT Pedigree Online and pictures, you must doing clic in its corresponding name. Once within his Pedigree Online, you can realise your own genetic study in your own way. for example doing clic in the names of the parents, will be able to also visualize its FIAPBT Pedigree Online of four generations, in which if you doing clic in its pictures, will be open in greater size so that it is possible to be seen better the dogs. Following in Pedigree Online and doing clic in the names of the APBT that appear in ascending scale, you can get to find or track the dogs that you want to study or investigate up to two centuries back, until the years of the 1800, a barbarism of generations, more controlled than the own people. This great amount of genetic information is something unpublished, surprising and exclusive, that only own our wonderful and noble breed dog, the American Pit Bull Terrier.  

                           Banner FIAPBT PEDIGREE

* FIAPBT PEDIGREE ONLINE, for to learn pure genetic or blood of the American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT or PIT BULL):  www.fiapbt.net/fiapbtpeds.html -- www.fiapbtpedigree.com/?idm=en

In order to facilitate the genetic study of the dogs and the breed itself, also we add to the fans the Online Pedigree database to facilitate his study, because the Online Pedigree could facilitate the genetic study those fans, which are accustomed to do it through of this database. However we must clarify, that this database the genetic study is more confusing, more annoying, more incomplete and less reliable by various factors, which come it because of malicious and unscrupulous people, who for various dark interests them stain and harm the honorable name and efforts being made for over 10 years ago by the Online Pedigree owner. These negative and various factors that are affecting the database Online Pedigree, for the experimented dogman in the breed genetics and those who have been affected directly in them, is well known it for them, and they know very well what we are talking about. Some of these negative factors are for example: Registers of mixed dogs like pure APBT; Registers of Bullies or similars like pure APBT; Fake registers of dogs that do not correspond with the reality; Registers of dogs that no exists to deceive or swindle to the fans; Be made countless of duplicate records for the same dog with dark purposes, etc., etc. These drawbacks in the database FIAPBT Pedigree Online are very low or zero, due to the strict monitoring and control that is constantly performed by dogman amply qualified to preserve the breed purity.



               FIAPBT Pedigree Online: TUDORS “DIBO

                          Online Pedigree: TUDOR´S “DIBO



                     FIAPBT Pedigree Online: BOUDREAUX' ELI

                                  Online Pedigree: BOUDREAUX´ “ELI



                 FIAPBT Pedigree Online: WALLING'S “BULLYSON

                            Online Pedigree: WALLING'S “BULLYSON



                   FIAPBT Pedigree Online: BOUDREAUX' “BLIND BILLY

                               Online Pedigree: BOUDREAUX' “BLIND BILLY


                          FIAPBT Pedigree Online: CLAYTON'S “ELI JR 

                                        Online Pedigree: CLAYTON'S “ELI JR



                          FIAPBT Pedigree Online: CLEMMONS' “BRENDY

                                        Online Pedigree: CLEMMONS' “BRENDY



                     FIAPBT Pedigree Online: CARVER'S  (DAVIS) “MIDNIGHT COWBOY

                                 Online Pedigree: CARVER'S  (DAVIS) “MIDNIGHT COWBOY



                         FIAPBT Pedigree Online: CARVER'S (HYDE´S) “BLOODY SUNDAY

                                 Online Pedigree: CARVER'S (HYDE´S) “BLOODY SUNDAY



                   FIAPBT Pedigree Online: (CARVER´S) MORALES “NEGRA” (BOUDREAUX' “LUPE”)

                             Online Pedigree: (CARVER´S) MORALES “NEGRA” (BOUDREAUX' “LUPE”)



                                 FIAPBT Pedigree Online: SMITH & WILLIAM'S “REUBEN

                                              Online Pedigree: SMITH & WILLIAM'S “REUBEN SMITH & WILLIAM'S REUBEN



                     FIAPBT Pedigree Online: VILLA LIBERTY´S "TUDOR DIBO" (Mr. Ronnie)

                                 Online Pedigree: VILLA LIBERTY´S "TUDOR DIBO" (Mr. Ronnie)


                                          FIAPBT Pedigree Online: CHINAMAN  

                                                        Online Pedigree: CHINAMAN



               FIAPBT Pedigree Online: (CARVER´S) R. MORALES´ “BLACK LADY” (NEGRITA)  

   Online Pedigree: (CARVER´S) R. MORALES´BLACK LADY(NEGRITA) (No existe en esta base de datos.)



                                         FIAPBT Pedigree Online: BOUDREAUX (BULLYSON)

                                                          Online Pedigree: BOUDREAUX (BULLYSON)


                                             FIAPBT Pedigree Online: CH MARRERO'S “PICHE 


                                         FIAPBT Pedigree Online: CANARIASPIT'S “BAGHEERA

                                                        Online Pedigree: CANARIASPIT'S “BAGHEERA


                                              FIAPBT Pedigree Online: BOUDREAX(Montana)

                                                             Online Pedigree: BOUDREAX(Montana)


                                            FIAPBT Pedigree Online: GR CH CHAVEZ' “LLANTAS

                                                           Online Pedigree: GR CH CHAVEZ' “LLANTAS


                                             FIAPBT Pedigree Online: CH VTK'S “MR. HANKEY

                                                           Online Pedigree: CH VTK'S “MR. HANKEY



                                            FIAPBT Pedigree Online: GR CH CHIP'S “SLASHER

                                                           Online Pedigree: GR CH CHIP'S “SLASHER


                                          FIAPBT Pedigree Online: CH HOK'S “LIZA II” (BIG GIRL)

                                                        Online Pedigree: CH HOK'S “LIZA II” (BIG GIRL)


                                                 FIAPBT Pedigree Online: CH LNK'S “GINNY

                                                                Online Pedigree: CH LNK'S “GINNY


                                           FIAPBT Pedigree Online: BOUDREAUX' “BADGER

                                                          Online Pedigree: BOUDREAUX' “BADGER


                                          FIAPBT Pedigree Online: BOUDREAUX' “MISS SKULL

                                                        Online Pedigree: BOUDREAUX' “MISS SKULL


                                                                    FIAPBT Pedigree Online: BOUDREAUX' “SKULL

                                                          Online Pedigree: BOUDREAUX' “SKULL


                                                                  FIAPBT Pedigree Online:  BOUDREAUX' “SCREAM

                                                          Online Pedigree: BOUDREAUX' “SCREAM


                                                              FIAPBT Pedigree Online: BOUDREAUX' “MAVERICK

                                                       Online Pedigree: BOUDREAUX' “MAVERICK  


                                           FIAPBT Pedigree Online: COWGIRL 2

                                                            Online Pedigree: COWGIRL 2



                                 FIAPBT Pedigree Online: VILLA LIBERTY´S “LADY CARVER 2

                                               Online Pedigree: VILLA LIBERTY´S “LADY CARVER 2



                                       FIAPBT Pedigree Online: VILLA LIBERTY´S “COWBOY 4

                                                     Online Pedigree: VILLA LIBERTY´S “COWBOY 4


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@ GENETIC OF THE LEGEND TO CALLED “MAURICE CARVER” AND TRIBUTE: http://www.villaliberty.org/legend.html


@ TRIBUTE TO MAURICE CARVER IN VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?hl=es&gl=ES&v=M4DnGJAMZDw


@ MAURICE CARVER MUSEUM: http://www.fiapbt.net/museumcarver.html


@ BLOODLINES? “OLD FAMILY RED NOSE(OFRN): http://www.fiapbt.net/ingles17.html    




@ THE AMERICAN PIT BULL TERRIER ORIGINS: http://www.fiapbt.net/origins.html  


@ THE CHARACTER OF THE AMERICAN PIT BULL TERRIER: http://www.fiapbt.net/character.html


@ GENETIC AND GRAPH STUDY OF THE BESTS APBT OF ALL THE TIMES: http://www.facebook.com/notes/federacion-internacional-del-american-pit-bull-terrier/genetic-and-graph-study-of-the-bests-pit-bull-of-all-the-times/10150424806175089


@ WHAT NOBODY HAS WRITED ABOUT THE BEST APBT OF ALL TIMES, TUDOR´S “DIBO”The true history about Tudor´s “Dibo”:   http://translate.google.es/translate?sl=es&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=es&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.fiapbt.net%2Fhistoriadibo.html&act=url (This is a literal translation by the Internet translator, sorry)

(Original report in Spanish: http://www.fiapbt.net/historiadibo.html ) 


@ “THE BLACKS” HISTORY: http://www.villaliberty.org/theblacks.html


@ THE BLACKSVIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=afVsbawKASA  


@ AMERICAN PIT BULL TERRIER WITH PEDIGREE ¿YES OR NO?: www.fiapbt.net/pedigreeyes.html


@ MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION ABOUT THE AMERICAN PIT BULL TERRIER: http://www.villaliberty.org/information.html



                    Banner FIAPBT PEDIGREE

FIAPBT Pedigree for to learn pure genetic or blood of the American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT or PIT BULL): www.fiapbtpedigree.com/?idm=en



In case that you liked this article, you have the authorization to copy it.

       Mariano Peinado



We hope that this article is of your affability and if is thus, enjoy it.


    F    I    A    P    B    T  

           FIAPBT http://www.fiapbt.net/index_archivos/image004.gif FIAPBT


                          IADCRO INFORMATION http://www.iadcro.com/iadcroinformation.html