Dogs of Light). By Mariano
What always it has been an absolute priority for all
the breeders of authentic American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT or
PIT BULL), since this breed dog was originated 500 years ago, the selection
went from APBT with good disposition toward the human being, eliminating
radically of the breeding to all those animals that showed the most minimum
gesture of aggressive without any motive toward the persons. Always the
selection of breeding of this breed dog to our days,
has been directed toward the equilibrium in all its senses.
The APBT has exceptional a good character with the people, especially
with the children.
The autentic APBT, or of
pure breed, because otherwise, would not be speaking of the APBT, and by the
selection that has been carry out, does of them that they have a great
confidence in itself same, and will be a hundred times less a inclined to cause
accidents to the persons, that other dogs that have not been performed them
this severe selection of breeding during many many
The APBT is able to adopt to a small boy like a
one more of its litter.
The American Pit Bull Terrier character is in general,
playful, noble, sensible, intelligent, very industrious, they have large
desires of pleasing in all to its owner, they possess some extraordinary levels
of tolerance to relate to the children, to which they worship, and combining
all this in a breed dog small, with little hair and that not slaber as they are the APBT, does them to be a breed dog
very indicated to be the pet ideal of any family.
The APBT has an extreme patience
with the children, to whom it adores and it protects.
Also they are characterized for his hardness, splendid
health along all his life and his amazing disposition for the exercise, for
which they are practically endless to the hour of being exercised, and normally
its owner was tired before that they. They endure the illnesses better than no
other breed dog and as many say understood, they are "the amazement of the
world veterinary in any part of the world". Of fact, the most usual
comment of the person that has had one of these dogs during some years, is "that never they had seen equal thing".
The APBT is happy next to a boy.
Many APBT show FEELINGS for its high SENSITIVITY, similars or equals like we have the humans. This kind of
dogs, are those that I denominate like "The Dogs of
Light". The diverse types of FEELINGS of the APBT, are a clear INDICATIVE of the
much INTELLIGENCE that owns this criminalized
breed dog by the unjust BSL, the communication media and ignorant people.
(new) STEPHEN HAWKING and other prestigious scientists,
scientifically prove that animals have also AWARENESS just
like us the humans:
“In the way that you treat to the animals, later or
earlier will be the way of how you will treat your neighbor.
The animals also are the neighbor
and as sentient & feelings beings, helpless and dependent on the care of
the human being at 100%, are needed your understanding, compassion, help and
protection. Your soul, your consciousness and them
will thank you.
The universe will reward you according to your
decision. You decide.” (m.p)
To the APBT liked so much to kiss to its dear beings and
the rest of people of good will.
Exist some fans to
the APBT with their lack of experience with these dogs, usually confuses
sensitivity with the timidity. This is something similar when also they confuse
the education with the training, terms these completely different. At the time of teaching something to them, which be, is necessary to
have much patience without getting upset to us with them, becausse
being the APBT very sensible and intelligent if they catch our annoyance by
which they do not understand, are possible to be come by the confusion and down
to be backed down indeed in which we want that they advance within which we
wish to teach to them.
Snapshot of a little
while of the Championship of Spain de MarathonPit in
2008, where enough of these together dogs without existing no
type of abrupt misfortune of fight among them can be appreciated, unless he is
the one of the mere competition.
The timidity, is a negative circumstance that we must be
eliminated in the selection of the breeding of any breed dog. On the contrary,
sensitivity is an evident sample of the excess of intelligence, which indicates
to us, that our selection of breeding goes very well directed. A clear example
of sensitivity, we can find it in enough dogs coming from the family or blood
of Maurice Carver, since the expert known very well the very much intelligent
that have this dogs of this family, in addition to other many virtues.
After the MarathonPit
Competition like good friends to share the fresh drink without any type of fight nor resentment.
In my opinion, the APBT pertaining to this family or
blood of Carver, are most complete, indeed by their excess of intelligence
(Many of this dogs are “Light dogs”), since it
aid to rather better develop to the other qualities and virtues to them that
they have.
In this photography, feeling in pure state is appraised on both
sides, not only on the part of the girl.
To see the VIDEO below. To always said that
the dog and the cat are enemy. In this case the dog is the American Pit Bull
Terrier and many people, evil influenced by mass media, at first sight would
swear that the APBT is going away to eat the kitten.
“Chaman” the
adult kitten, trying to sleep the siesta in the bed together its friend CH “Patches”.
video below, reflects
that the APBT owns a quite high degree of sensitivity, indicative of the much intelligence that owns this breed dog. Indeed by
this last one, it the causes that these
animals are conscious and suffer emotionally by the complexes and psychological
upheavals that many people suffer and they pay against the defenseless
dogs, especially against the American Pit Bull Terrier through of bad treatments, abandonments and worst even, through of the unjust Laws,
that they induce to the extermination of this wonderful, noble and very old
pure breed of a cruel and racist way.
“One Eye”
(Panda) doing of small dog of
Circus. The APBT, is a breed dog extremely intelligent, arranged to please in
everything what his owner entrusts to him, which is, by very rare that it could
seem to us.
The factor of
intelligence, is the one that provides facility for the learning and later
development of the majority of the qualities and virtues that can get to own
the APBT for benefit of the humanity.
“One Eye” (Panda) Exercising its Circus number.
of Light”) and "Chaman"
the kitten.
“Patches” (“Dog of Light”) with its friend the Wanderer “Dyne”, giving sample of the
great sensitivity
Izquierda a derecha, Red Bartolo, Red Scarlet, Mariano Peinado sujetando a la
cachorrita Red Oklahoma y el
Patriarca Red Pit
de Villa Liberty. Pueden convivir entre ellos sin
ningún tipo de problema con supervisión, al igual que el resto de razas
caninas. 1997.
Therapy attended physical and psychic handicappeds with AMERICAN
Pit Bull Pictures: Vídeo: